Complaints about servers and you!

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Rogue Sniper

EGO Is My Life!


Complaints about servers and you!

Please do not make threads about servers / maps we should host.
Please do not make threads complaining about the servers we currently host.

Please DO NOT make threads about any of the topics stated in this post. Any threads created with the topic of anything in this post will be locked and most likely deleted. If you have a problem PM an Advisor, Division Leader or Council.

Jail, free killers, and you.
Don't whine, complain, make threads about free killers or free killing. In game, do not spam, do not say, do not message admins spamming them through admin chat if someones free killing, we can see what happens and know if they do. Unless they are completely and definitely disrupting game play then get an admin.

Jail rounds take a while. Please don't pester admins or players about making the rounds go by faster. If you would like to see the rounds go faster, go be the warden.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions. Send them to Rogue Sniper via forum private message.

Hackers and you!
Don't shout out loud so-n-so's hacking, tell an eGO if its disrupting the server. Tell pubs not to accuse others.

Servers becoming Laggy; Crashing; or Timing out
If a server becomes laggy do not spam LAG in voice or chat, spamming lag in voice or chat makes the server look bad.
If you notice that a server is slowly starting to lag out its going to timeout AKA crash and thus:
If a server crashes give it 15 minutes before PMing a Council Member, the servers are set to reset if they timeout(not online) long enough.
We know the servers lag on the Dust2, Office and Jail. Three servers, one box. Its a lot of stress on the box thus it causes the lag when all servers are all full. There is nothing currently planned to relieve the stress on the box.

High Pings and Complaints
There wont be a high ping restriction on our servers. Ever.
Tell pubs to politely let it go, bothering others about ping over and over again is considered harassment. Harassment is not tolerated.
No one's ping affects you. Only server ping affects your play.

As quoted:
"If you had a high ping, would you like to be kicked from this server? We allow all ping rates on this server, and its going to stay that way"

AWPS / Autosnipers
Why do we have them restricted? Ill let Hoodie explain it.
Full-on AWPing servers are filled with lots of comlaining about people overusing the AWP, and A LOT of disrespect.

Limited AWPing servers are filled with whining and crying about the same people using the AWP over and over. This would also be unfair to the inexperienced players, seeing as they'd most like die if they ever got an AWP, and then they'd have to wait and wait to try it again.

Bottom line: No AWPs/No Autos is just our policy.

Team Stacking & You!
Teams are going to be stacked at times. People are not going to want to change. We suggest all players switch to the losing team to help out. Please do not complain about stacked teams public. You can always ask your friends to help unstack the teams though.

Map Suggestions / Complaints
Yes we would love to hear your input on what maps you would like to have but please don't post in the forums about them. If you have suggestion for a map that should be put on a server message a leadership member.

If you don't like a certain map on a server. Simply message a leadership member and let them know. Along with not liking maps, RTV comes into play. Please don't complain if a certain map on the RTV is played more than once. If you don't like the map, be sure to nominate what you want to play right away then RTV again.
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