Urgent Counter-Strike Delivered Remove warden hp

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i understand ct is already losing team MS MS but this way of buffing ct team is very cringe. There is more joy in the world without warden HP than with. No one even notices it exists until they die and see >100dmg done to warden with warden still alive 😢. U can give them armor but 125 hp is no fun!!
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+1 only 2 guns can 1 shot warden awp headshot and deagle headshot (on quake deagle sometimes doesn’t even one shot warden cause of shooting through t’s) I don’t really know why warden even gets 125 hp just makes him more broken
CS LE and Tech had made it where Warden HP is exactly what it is in GO so idk wut anyone else is going to say but, they wont remove it now but in the future maybe? if CTs can be better :p
CS LE and Tech had made it where Warden HP is exactly what it is in GO so idk wut anyone else is going to say but, they wont remove it now but in the future maybe? if CTs can be better :p
Warden hp is not exactly what it was in csgo and what does that even have to do with whether or not it should be removed?? Can you make an actual reason for why it should exist
gliptal gliptal

We have it exactly how it was back in csgo which worked for many years. Is there any reason why you think we should not have gone back to this?
Warden hp is not exactly what it was in csgo and what does that even have to do with whether or not it should be removed?? Can you make an actual reason for why it should exist

Hi gliptal gliptal ,

I have completed an internal audit of our Counter-Strike: Global Offensive source code to verify your statement regarding the historical accuracy of warden buffs. Our internal code as of Aug 15, 2023 at 02:27:33 PDT had the following relevant lines of code:

if (g_bFirstWarden) {
    g_bFirstWarden = false;
    int hp         = GetClientHealth(client);
    SetEntityHealth(client, hp + 25);

    if (GetClientArmor(client) < 125)
        SetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_ArmorValue", 125, 1);
    SetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_bHasHelmet", 1);

The end goal of this setting is to create a careful balance between the prisoners and guards. Much like how our Counter-Strike to Terrorist ratio is 1 to 3 (1 CT to 3 Ts), the warden's health was similarly increased to make it slightly more difficult to kill them. From our previous historic stats, the majority of rounds back in CS:GO ended in a prisoner winning (a majority being Last Guards).

I understand that getting a warden kill is exciting, and we aim to improve both teams' experiences on our servers. I encourage you to consider this extra buff on the servers to be an extra challenge; much like CT's having guns.

If you have any other reasoning, I'm sure we would love to hear it!
i wrote this comment this a few hours ago and forgot to send-- MS MS you should read the second half of this

gliptal gliptal

We have it exactly how it was back in csgo which worked for many years. Is there any reason why you think we should not have gone back to this?
This post has very little to do with warden hp being newer in cs2 , ive always thought that giving people >100 hp was annoying and unfun (both warden hp and rtd 150hp reward). I do not think it should exist for the reasons stated in my initial post which are not exclusive to CS2.

However i think it is worth mentioning that warden hp is significantly more powerful now than it ever has been. Previously, only the first warden would get 125hp&armor and would regen to 100hp after being damaged. Now, when someone takes warden they are healed to 125hp&armor even if they are not the first warden and have low hp. New warden hp can also be regened back to 125 after losing hp.
Basically, on new JB you can experience not one shotting someone with an AWP multiple times in a single round on multiple wardens, whereas before it was only possible to happen once in a round to the first warden who could not have taken damage. CS2 jb makes the issue more present
Now, when someone takes warden they are healed to 125hp&armor even if they are not the first warden and have low hp. New warden hp can also be regened back to 125 after losing hp.
These are both bugs, thank you for reporting them! I will try to get around to fixing them over this weekend.
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