Team "balancer" - Your opinions

Do you like the Team balancer plugin?

  • No, I don't like it.

    Points: 17 37.8%
  • Yeah, I like it.

    Points: 28 62.2%

  • Total voters
The teams are switched on 3 factors. Personal KDR, Session scores, and team wins. it balances up to but not exceeding 6 players. it takes an average of those three variables and makes adjustments accordingly. Its very fair. It is also very new. This plugin learns your KDR and keeps it. untill you establish a stable KDR you may be switched more than others.

The reason A LOT of people are being switched, is because people REFUSE to let it work. i saw 2 of our eGOs today get switched and instantly switch back. Leave it alone. Stacking the teams because you want to increase your rank or KDR or whatever you think is not impressive. I have said this before and i will say it again. Being good is for your own benefit around here. No one cares if your TEH UBER L33T PWNZOR or if you suck. were are all here to have fun.

Stacking the teams purposly because you want to leach off someone for kills is A.) not sportsman like. and B.) not fair to the others who just want to play and have fun. This team balancer is in place to ease just that. I have seen rounds go with the terrorists win on office 19 straight wins. Thats a good way to empty a server IMO.
I understand and respect the purpose of the team balance plugin, however, that doesn't mean I enjoy it on a personal level even if I like it's gamewide effect of keeping the teams relatively balanced. Its quite frustrating to slingshot between teams. I also dislike being unable to get into a constant rhythm; where you know the tendencies of your team and the tendencies of your opponents because you've played with the same corps of people over the course of repeated rounds.

On the flipside, getting on the bad end of an completely stacked set of teams is painful as you find yourself pummeled round after agonizing round. Furthermore, stacked teams have a self-perpetuating tendency as the weaker team is more likely to find themselves with less people as well as less talent, as people become increasingly frustrated with the situation and leave one by one (or in some cases by droves).

I'd say in balance the team balance plugin is probably a positive overall for the clan, as random pubs are more likely to leave and stay gone because they find themselves fighting futilely against a stacked team than they are to be annoyed at having to use a Colt instead of an AK, or vice versa.
yea i'm pretty nice with the team balancer too... hate it when one team wins with 5-10% casualties, over and over again.. :p and like, having Oldie, Silent, AngelSpit, and Kkulz on the same side.. :)
this plugin shold be put on the server immedietely. Ive brought up this plugin along with the no block plugin before and i was told to shut up cause it wont happen....nice. Anyways, our servers are quite possibly the worst out there with team stacking. I have to work 24/7 to keep the teams balanced. this plugin would really help me out and keep people happy. People need to understand that round after round of one team slaughtering the other gets frustrating and peopl eleave the server cause of it. If you want the server to stay full, the teams need to be balanced and gameplay is fair and fun. If you were on a team that got owned every single round, you would get pissed and leave too.

P.S. to ALL advisors.....You guys have got to be kidding me lol. I know that all of you have heard me bring up this plug-in along with the no block plug-in and do you remember what you told me???? "no plug-ins will be installed".......... but "rules is rules" right oldie :p.......well, maybe its time you guys should say to yourself "maybe Zegz has some good ideas... i should listen to him"
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I like the idea behind it really, balancing the teams so each team has a fair chance of winning...

i just dont like when it moves me repeatedly, or someone that youve been playing with for a while :\
i think there must be a team balancer, but i dont like it when i get chosen because out of the 15 people in the team why me :p
TB should be taken off >:[ because sometimes the same people keep getting switch like 3 times within 10 mins..I know what you people might say. "Their good balancer" but if you were in there position you would hate it too. i also think that TB been crashing the server (that just IMO)
I've made my position on teamstacking pretty clear since I joined eGO.

Thank you, to whomever pushed to have this installed. While it can be a pain to be switched back and forth, the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks.
I like this new team balance plugin even though I get switched a lot. It actually evens up the team by skill and prevents from team stacking. I'm starting to see more closer competitive games with this plugin on.
I dislike it because this afternoon at 3:30 EST Ts were getting rolled by CTs and 2 people were swapped. It was like that for half an hour :(
It switches a little to fast. Let it go a few rounds before. I have played on some mods like that. Also, not switching the top or 2nd guy is the best. It completely takes away any rythym. I do like the idea of no team stacking though.
i do like it but at times it makes me made i wish we could limit it but i understand why we have it so i think it is a good thing to have...... but if possible limit a few changes
I think this mod would be significantly improved if there's some way to lower it's sensitivity threshold. Two back to back wins for a team shouldn't automatically indicate team stacking. It seems like it switches way too quickly. I've been getting yo-yo'ed off and on all day. It gets to be frustrating to not get a rhythm going. I think this mod would be great if was dialed back to only take effect when one team is truly dominate (maybe 5 straight wins?) instead of trying to micromanage teams.
I think this mod would be significantly improved if there's some way to lower it's sensitivity threshold. Two back to back wins for a team shouldn't automatically indicate team stacking. It seems like it switches way too quickly. I've been getting yo-yo'ed off and on all day. It gets to be frustrating to not get a rhythm going. I think this mod would be great if was dialed back to only take effect when one team is truly dominate (maybe 5 straight wins?) instead of trying to micromanage teams.


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