Team "balancer" - Your opinions

Do you like the Team balancer plugin?

  • No, I don't like it.

    Points: 17 37.8%
  • Yeah, I like it.

    Points: 28 62.2%

  • Total voters


Active Member
Ok, this week I started to take notice of a new "team balancer". I'm pretty sure it's new or I just haven't noticed it yet. I'm not sure if it is in both servers, but I've noticed in dust. Anyways, I don't think alot of people like it to be honest.

It makes like 30% of all the people randomly swap teams, aparentely trying to balance teams by scores of people. This can be rather annoying, especially for the poor guy that has the top score.

I know it's not just me that doesn't like it because honestly I haven't heard anything but negative comments about it. I just want to know what other people think about it.

Do you like it or hate it? Why?
I love it, it make sure that you cant have a team that goes 30-0. It makes the game challenging, instead of a pain for one team, and a steam roll for the other team.
I love it, it make sure that you cant have a team that goes 30-0. It makes the game challenging, instead of a pain for one team, and a steam roll for the other team.

I agree and respect this, but I still think its annoying to get switched 2-3 times per game.
I <3 it

the reason you get swapped so many times is cause of your score, keep a 1-1 or a 1.5-1 it will swap you only about 1 outta every 10 rounds
Well I wouldn't mind if they did that because I would just type !bank, withdraw $9,000 and buy my para kit and own all!
?έяo;543054 said:
I agree and respect this, but I still think its annoying to get switched 2-3 times per game.

Try like, once every couple of rounds. I've noticed that happens to some people.

If it could be set so that the same people aren't swapped so often, I'd like it more.
Team Balance takes a record on every person. KDR and other factors are taken into consideration. So, if you play a lot. You actually might get placed permanently onto a team w/o being moved constantly. I barely get moved.
Team Balance takes a record on every person. KDR and other factors are taken into consideration. So, if you play a lot. You actually might get placed permanently onto a team w/o being moved constantly. I barely get moved.

Ya I play alot but my kdr is horrible like .8:1

but I'm glad to see people like it
I do not like it.
Every 2 seconds I am being switched.
It's hard to communicate with your teammates about where to rush or go when you have new people on the team every round.
If you have a autobalancer, at least make it change one person every round as oppose to 10 people every round. 1 person changing isn't as bad.
IMO, i would get rid of the balancer, if teams get stacked, people can manually go to other team like old fashioned way. Simple, and easy.
I don't like it, why?
The same people get moved back and forth. Those people are:
-People with highest scores
-People with lowest scores

Ide like to play on one team for a while and try and help them win, but instead I get switched to the other team because of my low score. The plug-in doesn't switch people in the medium point range about 95% of the time.

A lot of people complain about it because they cant stick on one team for more than 4 rounds, and it is quite irritating to them.
i would get rid of the balancer, if teams get stacked, people can manually go to other team like old fashioned way. Simple, and easy.

Well the old fashoned way doesnt always work for two reasons 1. Some ppl are too immature to switch on their own 2. They defiantly wont switch if there are no admins in the server
well the other option is the autobalance feature which switches only first person instead of a lot of people. this way people aren't always being moved and they are happy and second you can actually stay on a team and be happy.
i forgot the name of feature but i have seen it before.
i think that would make more sense.

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