No block - in De_dust2 server?

Do you think there should be No block in the Dust2 server?

  • Yes

    Points: 21 48.8%
  • No

    Points: 17 39.5%
  • I don't care

    Points: 5 11.6%

  • Total voters
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Sighhh. Why not give everyone wallhacks and aimbot while we're at it? *rolls eyes*

At least other servers with no block have AWPs... *rolls eyes again*
Sighhh. Why not give everyone wallhacks and aimbot while we're at it? *rolls eyes*

At least other servers with no block have AWPs... *rolls eyes again*

Wait, how does no block give anyone an advantage besides not being blocked by fellow teammates?

I mean, if people start abusing it by doing something like standing all in one place, by all means remove it, in my opinion.
Adding no block simplifies the game- you no longer need to care where your teammates are, you can't camp in certain spots.

Specifically, it makes rushing long and shot much easier, and makes rushing tunnels much safer, for both teams (although I think the former is more applicable to T's and the latter to CT's).

Plus, we also lose the hilarity of a team making a pyramid with paras.

Then again, maybe I'm expecting too much out of public servers, where people apparently don't want the challenges associated with a default game. Speaking of which, I think that the bank can be taken out now that this team balancer's in place. :p
In my opinion, its nice not to get killed or have a rush messed up because of one guy doing something like stoping at double doors and what not. I agree with the bank thing, I hardly ever use it.
I think that if you're going to play on a 15- or 20-person team, you ought to accept that rushes will be ruined every so often, that you will get killed because of a teammate blocking.

Think of how less effective nades are in tunnels, short, and side door now! :p
Well now that the no block is implemented, it seems kinda weird.
I actually don't like it lol.
Even though more people rush which is good, the more people rush it's harder to kill people and it gets laggier at least for me. The reason it gets laggier is because more people are in a crowded area, harder to shoot from lag too.
I agree on the no block because its just annyoing to try and run back to another area and you have 20 guys blocking the way. As for the flashes I would limit them to 1 per person but there is a way around that.....they will start spamming them....also I thins smokes should either be put to 1 per team or none at all because recently ive started having bad lag when smokes are in play no matter where they are
yea no block =more people rushing in and more people sticking together rushing in.
this equates to more flashes,smokes, more congested areas also with more shooting from different guns at the same time which leads to more lag and choppiness.
Just because individuals lag shouldn't be a reason to change something on the server...

Flashbangs are annoying but part of the game. As is blocking and AWPs and auto-snipers... but that's besides the point. *rolls eyes again*
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kklulz. The plugin will remove the blocks that happen infront of the Double doors and in tunnels. Rushing is balanced. if you're smart. Throw a nade at a crowd. Or if you're scared of an impending rush. Throw a nade and you'll cut them down half way at most. Also, aim at the head. You'd be able to kill 2 with 1 bullet. There are enough camping spots. Office has spots where you can camp and it can be put in the same scenario as dust 2. There hasn't even been much complaint about the plugin. We got more positive feedback than negative. If you got more questions go ahead and post them or more of the senarios you'd like to point out. Or anyone else. I'd gladly answer them because i was the one who asked mostly to add it. I've been against it for a while, but things need to change sometimes.
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No, you're wrong.

On cs_office, there isn't a single spot where you need someone else to get to; trees, over doorways, whatever, you can get there yourself. However, on de_dust2, there are camping spots where we just can't get to now because we can't jump on each other's heads. I already mentioned a couple (also forgot about the large crate in side door).

Without blocking, nades become less effective. Example: Terrorists rushing short A. People aren't stupid (well, at least most of them aren't); oh, look, they see a nade coming; they run away, without getting blocked. Same thing in side door at long, B tunnels, double doors, everywhere. Sure, you'll pick off noobs who don't run, but you probably would've without no_block anyway.

As a result, rushing has become simpler, and safer. What if a team decided to para or p90 rush? They'd be firing so many more bullets than with blocking.

Also, knifing is harder, although not too much more difficult, so that's not a big deal.

Next point, aiming. Having two people stacked in a such a way that you can fire and kill both of them is unlikely. For a single shot, they'd have to be on top of each other, or in a line. On the other hand, there are multiple enemy players right next to each other that can and probably will fire on you (although this isn't too much of a problem as long as you have back-up...)

But whatever, it looks like this is going to stay in-place.
How many people ACTUALLY use these campings spots for dust 2? and you're suppose to protect the sites not camp in spots. Both for CTs and Ts. Get it done. Theres about 30 people playing. So get it done and go to the next round. If you enjoy dying first round and waiting then so be it.

Nades actually become more effective cause you can get into another one of your teammates and you both would get the "shock" of the nade. What i meant was that if theres a bunch lined up together then you'll be able to hurt all of them that are stacked close with each other. And when you run no matter what you'll get hit with something. So get your team to throw a bunch of nades at the same time. In MOST cases you are rarely able to run away from a nade anyways.

Para or p90 won't matter when you have nades and flashes.

Do you REALLY knife with that many people on? No. So, denied.

Multiple kills, its possible. Office or dust2 won't matter you can do it. It can be unlikely but its do able. Cause even w/o i've seen people lined up with no block or block on.

Yes, it will stay in place. Again more people like it. Only a few dislike it. There was also been requests previously before office had it.
when i first logged online and played a bit i was like " this no block sucks and knifing is going to be impossible" but as palyed i realized its not that bad and once u get use to it its kinda nice not getting blocked or the annoying slow down when u get locked iwth another palyer. I knifed a couple people tonight and it seems not to bad either. you jsut got to knife a little differently. Only problem is i noticed the server seems a bit laggy now.
yeah i definitly enjoy not being blocked....on that point i also HATE IT.....the noblock always screws me over because i can run through people but when i toss a flash nade, i always forget that nades cant go through your teammates !!!!:eek::eek:
Crate in side door is used fairly often, from what I remember, and so are the boxes in B right by tunnels entrance. The latter of which is fairly effective, seeing as CTs are allowed to camp (and therefore are defending that site, duh). Just because they're not used often doesn't mean they're not effective.

Um, if you run from a nade, you take less damage from it. With noblock, you can deal more damage altogether, but less to individual players. In my book, that's less effective; I'd rather deal a 60+ damage to one guy with a nade than see like 5 people get hit for 20. With blocking, you're going to end up dealing a lot of damage to the guy that is getting blocked, and everyone else will take less.

Plus, this is a public server. Communication is so ineffective, I'd be surprised if you can get more than two people simultaneously throwing nades into a spot (only possible exception I can think of is Ts on short -> bombsite A).

Um, AWPs don't matter if you headshot, either. I don't get what you're trying to say with your nade and flash comment.

Right, multi-kills are unlikely. That's what I said. And you agree that with or noblock, it's possible, and doesn't matter. So why did you even bring it up?

Right, I'm aware that it'll stay, that's what I said already. *rolls eyes again*
Crate in side door is used fairly often, from what I remember, and so are the boxes in B right by tunnels entrance. The latter of which is fairly effective, seeing as CTs are allowed to camp (and therefore are defending that site, duh). Just because they're not used often doesn't mean they're not effective.

Um, if you run from a nade, you take less damage from it. With noblock, you can deal more damage altogether, but less to individual players. In my book, that's less effective; I'd rather deal a 60+ damage to one guy with a nade than see like 5 people get hit for 20. With blocking, you're going to end up dealing a lot of damage to the guy that is getting blocked, and everyone else will take less.

Plus, this is a public server. Communication is so ineffective, I'd be surprised if you can get more than two people simultaneously throwing nades into a spot (only possible exception I can think of is Ts on short -> bombsite A).

Um, AWPs don't matter if you headshot, either. I don't get what you're trying to say with your nade and flash comment.

Right, multi-kills are unlikely. That's what I said. And you agree that with or noblock, it's possible, and doesn't matter. So why did you even bring it up?

Right, I'm aware that it'll stay, that's what I said already. *rolls eyes again*



i win.

and i would watch your tone from now on..........
I brought up multi-kill because its more possible when people are bunched up together due to no block. *rolls eyes again*
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