No block - in De_dust2 server?

Do you think there should be No block in the Dust2 server?

  • Yes

    Points: 21 48.8%
  • No

    Points: 17 39.5%
  • I don't care

    Points: 5 11.6%

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Active Member
Recently, I have noticed the new No block plugin for the cs_office server, but not in the De_dust2 server. Why is this? Do some people not like no block specifically on that map, or do people think it is not useful on that map because it is bigger, and has more open spaces?

I think that there alot of good reasons why we should have no block on the dust server. There are often more people in the dust server than the office one, alot of times with 40+ people.

This can make it really hard for you to rush where you want to go at the beginning of the round, because of all the people on one area. This is especially bad in CT spawn. What about when you are on T, and the team decides to rush long A, but one guy near the front sees some CTs waiting for him, and wants to run back through double doors?

These are just a couple of little reason I thought of why we should have no block while playing tonight. Please point out any reasons that you think we should or shouldn't have it in the dust2 server..
Dust2 is a big enough map that it doesn't need a no block plugin if you ask me. Office is such a small map that it is needed indefinitely.

Just my 3 dollars.
i am a huge fan of no block in dust2. also. one flashbang per person. None of this i throw 25 flashes then rush crap. This game is round based, once your dead, your dead. I find it trully annoying when im running around then all of a sudden 10 flashbangs come around the corner one right after the other and i have absolutely no chance to defend myself. Everyone in here knows how annoying it is when you are just standing there waiting for the flashbang effects to go away, and just when they do....another flashbang goes off right in front of and the process repeats a few times in a row. I often stop playing CSS because of this garbage.
i am a huge fan of no block in dust2. also. one flashbang per person. None of this i throw 25 flashes then rush crap. This game is round based, once your dead, your dead. I find it trully annoying when im running around then all of a sudden 10 flashbangs come around the corner one right after the other and i have absolutely no chance to defend myself. Everyone in here knows how annoying it is when you are just standing there waiting for the flashbang effects to go away, and just when they do....another flashbang goes off right in front of and the process repeats a few times in a row. I often stop playing CSS because of this garbage.

I totally agree I hate flashes in dust
NO not dust2!! we alrdy have it on office but dust??? neva

and flashbangs are part of the game u gotta dodge em and turn around
also. one flashbang per person. None of this i throw 25 flashes then rush crap. This game is round based, once your dead, your dead. I find it trully annoying when im running around then all of a sudden 10 flashbangs come around the corner one right after the other and i have absolutely no chance to defend myself. Everyone in here knows how annoying it is when you are just standing there waiting for the flashbang effects to go away, and just when they do....another flashbang goes off right in front of and the process repeats a few times in a row. I often stop playing CSS because of this garbage.

This is why I like scrimming more than playing in public servers (or at least, very populated public servers). But as Skillbox said, they're part of the game (although, so are AWPs...)
no no no...i need the game to stay original and plus my hiding spots require me standing on top of ppl :p
I am going to agree to it because i think a lot of people play office now beccause no block is in place. I actually recently talked to mostly about implimenting the plugin. Also, how MANY of you ACTUALLY play the map? Almost the majority of you play on office. So, don't vote if you don't even play on the server. >:O!
Dust2 is the only ego server i play on CSS (Actualy, the only server i play on CSS when blackmesa gets boring all the way over in Tf2). I have had to kick multiple times for people cussing about blockers, and one situation where a lot of people were all ganging up on poor zaw! =(.

My 2 cents is no block on dust would be great!
Putting in no_block removes a dimension of the game.

O? has a point. The stacks of crates in the bombsites and the window at A are places where you need to stand on someone else to get there. There aren't places in cs_office where you can hide like that.
Looks like it was added.

Mucho gracias Crimson or whoever added... Crimson made a good point cause I barely play office; I am always on dust... I do notice in office its alot more edge gamers.

It may be a part of the game, but try playing at the peak time when 20+ people spawn at once...
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