Server Rule Idea


I think, because there are a lot of people not paying attention to the rules when they enter the server, we should put the rules at each spawn on the wall. This seems like a good idea to me because people would actually see the rules and not click ok right when they pop up.
i disagree i think this would disrupt gameplay and they wouldnt get out of spawn soon enough and you would have to edit map which we wouldnt do
Well, I see your point, but it would be better for them to get spawn killed 1 round (if at all) than to abuse the servers.
I don't think people that don't take the time to read it on entry to the server are any more likely to stand there and read it when they're actually playing the game. It'll catch their attention and they'll glance at it until they see it's just rules at which point they won't finish reading.
Well, I see your point, but it would be better for them to get spawn killed 1 round (if at all) than to abuse the servers.

well they get to see the server rules multiple times before they spawn anyways. number being the MOTD, which you must agree to when entering. Then we have periodic messages display with the rules. Thirdly, we have admins to uphold the rules.

and yes crimson, they will have to download a file to play, but not the whole map. Its like how some servers have the mani admin pictures on the walls and you have to download that.
Like blackmesa said, no they don't need to redownload the map, only a small file and would likely never notice anyways.

I guess the logic here could be, what could it hurt?

If 1 player reads it and adheres by the rules because of it, and that player enjoys, has a good time, becomes a members, invites friends, ect ect ect, then I think it'd all be worth it.

It's not like doing so would be a huge undertaking or anything.
After rethinking this a bit; i figure if someone is going to break the rules you could have them skinned onto the backs of all the player and i would not matter. People do "see" the rules multiple times, and if they choose not to read them and get kicked for it to bad ignorance of the rules isn't an excuse. What i am saying is it wont matter how many places we post it people will still break rules; i think our system is sufficient.
Well, we don't use mani and with SM switching to a final build its all @.@ with new plugins. So, if someone finds one or creates one. Share the wealth. As of now we have no capabilities to do so.
even if we could do this it disrupts gameplay by getting spawnkilled and i just dont think it would fit in

and like blackhawk said they see the server rules multiple times and even get a warning maybe 2
Most people do see some sort of msg about no spawn camping, but the thing is that most people choose to ignore it.
no one will read it if u put it on the wall. all that will happen is people will put there sprays on it. All the admins got to do is inforce the rules more and not let people get away with things. i have seen this many times before. if they get kicked or banned. tough luck. By accually clicking 1 to get into the server lets us assume they understand the rules even if they did not read em. therefore its no fault to us if they get kicked or banned. they can;t say they didn;t see it.
lol make skins that cover all the players,

i think it would be a good idea, if possible, to make it so they have to scroll down the entire motd before hitting enter

just an idea, but im not sure if its possible

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