No Block on office

Should the no_block plugin be installed on Office?

  • Yes! no_block would be awsome

    Points: 33 42.3%
  • No thanks.

    Points: 45 57.7%

  • Total voters
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no plllzz! even though blacking most annoying thing ever to come to earth knifing would be harder and all would ruin the realistic game play
dont change a thing, no_block would be catostropic(maybe an overexageration but still NO PLEASE!)
I vote no, I don't see blocking as a major problem. So, I think the cure is worse than the disease in this case.
I say leave it the way it is. Someone blocking you might get annoying but it only happens every so often, unless someone is blocking you on purpose.
If you're getting blocked by teammates. Maybe go a different route so you all crowd up? Voted no for now. If the server reaches to the point where office is. I will assure you that myself and everyone else would vote yes. However, right now its not really needed that much. Suck it up people. I know i get annoyed but its not to the point where it needs to be removed. =/
NO!!!!!!!!I remember deathmatch was hell with that when you go trew door as same time as enemie you dont see him but then BAM your dead SO NO! and like crimson said CHANGE ROUTE and allot of doors on office are 2 player large.....
I hate blocking but it needs to stay. It's an obstacle just like anything else on the map.
i don't think i could vote on this i feel 50-50 on it. no block is good because people rush in front of me and stop while i'm trying to go like a p90 frieght train of death thru the garage and then lose all momentum. at the same time its allows for teamwork for people to stack on top of each other if need be....
Voted no, why?
-Ruins knifing id think
-Blocking shows a LACK of teamplay, a team with organization and semi-intelligent players should not block that much ;)
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