

EGO Zealot
Im going to start a whole guide on ways to get better, If you guys want please do add any useful tips. thanks!
Well since it is customary, I will give you 15% for tips. When playing CS:S it is always ALWAYS ALWAYS imperative that you......................................................................

It's always interesting to see Ghandi quotes online. But always remember this. It's easy to not play the "an eye for an eye" game when your enemies are running away from the 1940's Japanese army. LOLOLOLOL
India should really thank Hitler and Hirohito for getting Britain out of India.
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lol, make a noobs guide to CS:S and put it on youtube! umm, make a weapon review and also, say in there to crouch when shooting at range. that about all i kno, considering my level of crappiness... XD
Never scope in with the scout when enemies are close by...You can always switch to ur secondary weapon if u miss that 1 shot... Also no matter what Flash around a corner if you even have the slightest hint that their might be a camper.. a wasted flash isnt all that important.. but when you take that little nooby camper out.. Is always worth it.. When you get flashed.. Dont stop moving.. either spray an pray.. Or shoot a little an crouch an walk backwards... Try an remember where you came from to get some cover.. I dont know.. some hints right

when u lose one sense, another sense gets better soooooo if u have no sound then watch

ur monitor very closely....if u have no monitor....well then ur screwed
Best tip that anyone can ever give a newbie:
Save up for and buy night vision. The green tint aids visibility in ALL lighting and lets you focus on enemies better. If you happen to blow a pixel on your monitor from it... then your monitor sucked to begin with.
I hate nightvision, period. In real life, you get blinded in light...the whole point of night vision is dark areas. I buy it only when necessary. I hate the color green too =P of course except money green

and wow eyeless terrible tips =p i give u -10percent on effort
.2 percent on the advice
dunno if this thread is for real tips or for jokes... but I think that using ur ears is just as important as using your eyes. If you can hear footsteps around a corner, it gives you the chance to anticipate the enemy. Also, learn to walk. Other peeps are gonna be listening for footsteps. I shouldn't give you guys anymore tips bc before you know it, imma be getting pwned from all the guys using my advice lol

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