Why I'm not around.


Some of you may have noticed that I have been absent from the jail servers and the office server. Two words... Windows Vista. I got it and it killed my computer... actually just my Wireless Internet card. Right now I'm in the process of trying to get Windows Vista not to crash 20 seconds after startup with my new Wireless PCI Card. So, just wanted to give everyone a heads up, I might not be on for a few more weeks. Or hopefully, sooner.

...Stupid Vista :rolleyes:
lol XP FTW :D lol me too had same prob with my laptop and vista... i sent to my dads friend and he fixed it idk how
What i have noticed personally is that Vista basic is crap BUT higher versions are fine. I have vista premium on my laptop and i love it i have never had a problem. My work computer on the other hand has basic and i could toss it out a window lol.
yea vista basic really is crap, if u want to use vista for gaming, i recommend vista home premium and up
Yeah, I just got through getting my computer back to my good 'ol pirated XP. Lets try this Vista thing one more time, shal we? :D Although this new internet card thats supposed to be just as good... if not better than my old one sucks pretty bad. :( I think I'm going to install steam and get some Office time in.

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