No eGO Xfire?

I found an xfire group for =(eGO)= TF2, but I found nothing for CS:S.

CS:S not use Xfire?

We have steam friends so there's really no need for any sort of 3rd party client but that really just my opinion on the matter. I know some people here have xfire but I couldn't tell you who.
I realize Xfire supports CS:S, I should have said "CS:S Division doesn't use xfire."

It was late, I was lazy. And Woody, doesn't TF2 use steam as well?
The TF2 division's Xfire group is long outdated, and I don't think CS:S division bothered to make a Xfire group.
I always am on Xfire though, but mostly so it logs how many hours I've played :D
I've used it long before steam. I think it's great, but so far looks like we have mostly haters :)

EDIT: ren0gade for the non-haters
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