school sucks...

king killer

EGO Is My Life!
im gonna be off during the weekdays because im failing bio lol whoops but once i get the grade back up ill be right back on
Biology sucks.
I had a horrible witch of a teacher.
The students at our school got our original teacher fired,
they had a replacement for the first semester.

The second semester kids (me included) ended up having her.
Made me wanna ragequit school. failing bio too!!!....but its ok cause they say its the hardest class a freshman can take, so im just trying to get a C and be happy :D failing bio too!!!....but its ok cause they say its the hardest class a freshman can take, so im just trying to get a C and be happy :D
copout half of the freshman class at our school is on honors bio some are in. Honors chem I'm in bio as a sophomore
Got a 89 in freshman year science, not too hard. Getting 82 this year and taking biology a grade higher than mine next semester, lets see how it goes ^^
lol well i kinda dont pay attention at all and stare at the wall... and somtimes ill raise my hand to go to the bathroom lol
what does this have to do with css? lol this post is misleading...i thought you were going to relate school with css -.-

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