

I made one post
Are there any plans to impliment an !lr (last request) system like on most css hosties/jailbreak servers? Are there any new maps under construction, seeing as theres only like 7. And if there are, please make them maps where its more difficult for the prisoners to get their hands on firearms. And finally, can we please establish a votekick/voteban system to deal with frekillers when admins arent in game?
Theres 4 maps currently on the server, some more are in the works.

There will be no voteban/votekick system, this is why we have admins. Theres at least 1 admin on during anytime of the day.
Theres 4 maps currently on the server, some more are in the works.

There will be no voteban/votekick system, this is why we have admins. Theres at least 1 admin on during anytime of the day.

Very true. & if there isn't an admin. on, please PM an admin. via xfire, steam, aim, etc. and tell him/her to join the server. Voteban/Votekick is usually abused by a lot of people. That's another reason why we don't have the voteban/kick system.
What is the last request system?

The "last request" system is when the last 2 T's, for example, that have been listening to all of the CT's commands, get their "last request". It's just basically that the T's just get to make a request to the CT's to what they want to do. For example, a knife battle (T vs. CT) without getting shot at for attacking the CT until after the CT dies (if he/she dies that is.) It is not considered a freekill if the CT wins the knife battle.

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