Tips for a beginner?

What I like to do is play without a crosshair improves my game a lot. Youve probably seen me play im always in dedust2 ;)

Oh and I agree with crimson go to those deathmatch servers youll learn alot on the fly.

how does no x-hairs help?
Like a lot of other people have said in here already, practice practice practice! Learning the maps and where people like to hide is a great plus, this also shows you places where you can spam and where to throw the perfect flash. Playing with your mouse sensitivity is also a good idea. The biggest thing is to keep playing and not get discouraged, you will get better with time.
I forgot to add something to my op about tips
A really HUGE and important tip that can literally make the difference between life or death is one key:

It allows you to walk which makes you absolutely silent. This does 2 things, makes your position unknown, and if the enemy is running (not holding shift) you can hear their footsteps and easily figure out where they are, if used correctly its essentailly legit walls.

Its a serious advantage that saves my life on a daily basis in the 24/7 office sever.

(fyi walling is a hack that allows you to see through the wall)
I think everyone has already got the game improvement tips here...
Just focus on having fun, and soon enough it'll come to you.
For scouting, it's alot of guesswork, guessing where the enemy will pop up, guessing how he (or she) will move, etc, but the basics are similar to the other guns.
guesswork, and lots of fast fingers :D (try taking up card magic for the fingers part)

oh, one last thing, try using skins, it may sound stupid but it may help you shoot by giving you confidence in the gun. Lots of the players use skins (I for one love them).
just do this

just do this:
strafe side to side, and at the end of each strafe pump a burst out
that workswell with most places on maps


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