Tips for a beginner?


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Well, I've only been playing CS:S for the past few months. I feel like I'm picking it up well for a beginner, but I know there's a probably few tips and tricks that could improve my game.

The only thing I have gotten good at is rushing with the m249.

Things I would really like help with:

1. Shooting accurately while moving
I see alot of people do this, but I can never seem to get any hits when I'm moving. What should I do?

2. Scouting, any tips and tricks you may have will be greatly appreciated here.
Use bursts, do not empty all your bullets in one continues stream, but use short bursts of a couple of bullets at a time, then aim at the head, and you will be killing loads of people in no time.

Also get to know the maps (CS_Office and De_Dust2 are most important)
hey look i know you might like your machine gun but you really need to use the m4 its a great gun so you can really get good with it and dont always rush out i saw you today in d2 server you were doin ok but i think you cn improve and also once you get really good use lefty switch not many people can do it but if your the few its great i use it and i live it!
Go in spec and watch good players. Be sure to look at what they were doing when they get kills and are killed themselves. Then adapt it to your playing style.

Minus the getting killed part.
Create your own server and test out the guns recoil, that'll help alot, and for the running around while shooting, i wouldn't advise that so much, it's alot better to just stand still, maybe crouch, and shoot accurate burst at oppoenents then running around spraying and praying
I also suggest playing either/both gungame and deathmatch. For one, they help you by getting practice with all the guns and two, you get more playing time.

I also suggest playing either/both gungame and deathmatch. For one, they help you by getting practice with all the guns and two, you get more playing time.

This helped me greatly way back, instant spawn dm severs where you spawn with the weapons, it will improve:

  • Acurracy - You'll learn quickly that, to survive you gotta get dome shots.
  • Reflexes - Its instant spawn with no preset spawn points, you'll have to think fast and therefore adapt to being quicker.
  • Gun knowledge - You'll quickly learn the best way to use a weapon, as in how its recoil works, where to aim, ect.
(While playing DM stick with one weapon the whole time, otherwise your wasting your time.)

My personal tips would be:
single/burst fire
When you see someone - aim to the head - *click*...*click*....*click*
or *click*click*click*..........*click*click*click*

Cause remember, when it comes to rounds, its quality, not quantity. Doesn't matter if you lob 100 rounds at a guy, if nothings hitting your done for.

Fast switch
After killing another player, press Q (or whatever your "previous wep" button is) twice, this will switch from your pistol, back to your primary quickly, which tends to greatly decrease the recoil, in a short amount of time. At least in my personal opinion.

Keep your cool
Holding down the mouse button will never do you any good, EVEN if you kill someone, you've pretty much dug your own grave. You'll be low on ammo, high on recoil if someone else pops up.

If somebodys nailing you from afar, keep your cool and continue to use single/burst fire, most of the time, they'll lose it and start spraying(missing) while you continue to nail them.

Prolly the most important, just play alot, you'll learn your on techniques for playing and develop your own style.

As for the your on your own with that, I use it alot, but i couldnt tell you how, you gotta develop your own style. If anything, id say: Keep moving.
never stand still but dont move to much like move side to side

use nades they help more than imaginable!

when scouting try jump crouch shoot then repeat
Watch the pros: When you die toggle through the players and look at the top players on any team that aren't dead.

Play: Practice makes perfect.
Seems like alot of great advice has already been tossed out. I just want to reiterate one portion of it: aim for the head. The biggest improvement in my playing happened after I found out to aim for the head. If you just shoot towards their body, you may kill them, but it's going to take a long time, and they're going to most likely do a lot of damage to you first. I suggest practicing with the AK and aiming for the head (one shot = one kill, if you hit them in the head).

Otherwise, looks like these guys have given a lot of great advice for you to try.
Create your own server and test out the guns recoil, that'll help alot, and for the running around while shooting, i wouldn't advise that so much, it's alot better to just stand still, maybe crouch, and shoot accurate burst at oppoenents then running around spraying and praying

The only problem with this is that on his own server there will be no lag and every bullet SHOULD register, while online there will be some to a lot of lag thus causing some problems.

Like someone mentioned before use bursts of about 3 bullets or so.
I try to aim for the neck and due to recoil it usually shoots up into a headshot.

Learn how much damage a weapon does
An ak roughly does about 25-37 dmg to the body depending if the victim has armor or not.

A silenced m4 headshot usually will not kill the person unless you're point blank. It will do roughly 88 damage or so.

Nades can be your worst enemy and your friend.
I've been 5 feet away from a grenade and take 40 damage, and then be 10 feet away and take 60 damage. Try to throw them around corners and bounce them off of walls and other objects, but dont walk out to far because someone may be around the corner and rush you with an ak or m4 or something.

Sorry for the long post ;_;
well, 95% of a getting a kill, is your position. if you are not exposed, and they are, its so much easier to kill them. Mobility is one of THE most important things in this game.

Aim in 2-3 round bursts, aim neck.

Remember, you are playing against real people, who make mistakes, and dont excpect you to do weird things. Low on health? theres 2 guys around the corner? they know they have you on the ropes, but for some reason most of the time they want to throw a grenade, if you rush out you take them by suprise =p
There are some situations where flashbangs arent necessary. If you're in a spot where it would be difficult to throw one properly, just rush it. Its better to rush in unannounced rather than having a poorly thrown flashbang warn them of your presence.
That's cold V, you can't even buy AWPS.

I don't even play on servers unless AWPs and Auto's are disabled. It is simply too easy.

As for all the other advice, thanks a bunch.
I've noticed one of my main problems is panicking, and then I end up spraying.
Also, I am very impatient, and always end up rushingin by myself, so that's another thing I need to work on.
What I like to do is play without a crosshair improves my game a lot. Youve probably seen me play im always in dedust2 ;)

Oh and I agree with crimson go to those deathmatch servers youll learn alot on the fly.
My Advice:
Play the game.
Simple as that.

You will get use to playing with time.
What I like to do is play without a crosshair improves my game a lot. Youve probably seen me play im always in dedust2 ;)

Oh and I agree with crimson go to those deathmatch servers youll learn alot on the fly.

I was the one who suggested dm servers :p

and Im not sure how the no crosshair thing is supposed to work. Could you explain it smore?

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