Low Counter-Strike Suggestion to include a command to hide admin chat


Hello EGO CS Leadership Team!!

First and foremost, it has been WAY too long since I've posted on the forums (life has been crazy). I've just been taking the steps to pursue my goals, just like I do for rebooblers in Jailbreak (while trying to manage myself in the chaos that life has a habit of surrounding us all with). I still have a lot of school work to do, but once I complete it, or get to a good position with my progress, I plan on becoming active on the servers again, which is part of why I'm suggesting what I mentioned in the title of this post (including a hide admin chat option for admins), so long as it's within the scope of manageable feasibility to do so.

My reasoning is fairly simple, as I plan on starting a Twitch channel for streaming, as well as a YouTube channel dedicated to activities that take place on EGO CS2 servers, and maybe some other CS gameplay once I get closer to completing school.

The upside to this idea is that it has the potential to get the community more well-known to any potential future players out there. The down-side to this idea is that I don't want to use an alternate account to make my videos on while playing on the EGO servers, but I am also aware that admin chat is sensitive information within the community, and we don't want the malicious players to be able to see how we coordinate our efforts to keep the game fair and fun for everyone who is participating. I have had to skip several great clips I've captured in the past for previous videos I made playing on EGO servers because of this.

Having the option to hide sensitive information on an admin account will allow not just myself, but any other admin to have the option to record their gameplay for entertainment purposes on their main accounts, while still preserving the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive community information. I have also heard (no proof of this, but I think it's still worth mentioning due to reasonable plausibility), that people have gotten in trouble for leaking (& for neglecting the sensitive nature of the information within) admin chat on the servers (not sure if it was ever the result of content creation, though).

If this suggestion were to be implemented and included in the admin training, I feel like it would be a win-win situation for all parties involved (the community would have more security and potentially more recognition, which could lead to more players, and content creators with admin privileges wouldn't have to manage multiple accounts to create content within the community servers, which potentially creates more security risks for the player).

Hopefully, I've gotten my points across clearly and concisely, and that there are others out there who agree with this idea. As always, I am open to any questions, comments, and concerns regarding this idea.

That's it for now, so Thank You! For those who took the time to read and consider this suggestion, and have a great rest of your day!!

Best Regards, -darkfry
Upvote 2
There are definitely pros & cons to being able to hide admin chat. I swear there's been another suggestion thread about this someplace as well, but I can't seem to locate it, so perhaps I'm misremembering.

Anyhow, have you considered blocking out/censoring admin chat where necessary? Putting a censor bar or pixelation over the chat area should be more than enough for confidentiality purposes. If you're streaming, you'll have to be a bit more careful (especially around popup windows like console), but it should still be easily feasible.

If you haven't considered this option/are interested in doing it but aren't sure how, feel free to contact me, and I'm happy to help you get something setup.
Anyhow, have you considered blocking out/censoring admin chat where necessary? Putting a censor bar or pixelation over the chat area should be more than enough for confidentiality purposes.
I have considered doing this, and while it's likely easy to edit clips to censor sensitive information, I also feel like it could degrade video quality, which may have negative consequences in regards to building up popularity as a content creator and achieving a good following.

What do you think about the option for the option of hiding chat as a whole?

Taking into consideration some potential cons, the command could be specifically made available only to certain players who have undergone a screening process by the community, to validate their credibility as a creator and to obtain a written agreement to use the permissions with good intentions to bolster the community reputation. I'd be willing to volunteer for the creation of a screening template and/or framework for those who wish to request permissions like this (I can see how simply handing it out to everybody could be bad).
If you haven't considered this option/are interested in doing it but aren't sure how, feel free to contact me, and I'm happy to help you get something setup.
I will contact you about this in the future if you think that it could alleviate the risks and overhead of my proposition while achieving the desired video quality for good content.
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Ah yes we’ve had this suggestion before!

Unfortunately this is really hard to do universally as many plugins implement their own logic for showing chat messages :( The only way with full coverage is to remove your admin permissions which we don’t want to do.

Admin chat and any plugins directly under EdgeGamers development are potentially feasible though!
If you're streaming, you'll have to be a bit more careful (especially around popup windows like console), but it should still be easily feasible.
For streaming, although not guaranteed, I think that placing the webcam feed or streaming icon over the chat is a potential solution, might just require some creativity and malleability on my part, so your points are good food for thought.
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while it's likely easy to edit clips to censor sensitive information, I also feel like it could degrade video quality, which may have negative consequences in regards to building up popularity as a content creator and achieving a good following.
That is certainly true, although it's a decent option that can be done purely on the admin/content creator's side without needing any server work done. I do something like this (ignore the slight screen flicker, that's just VLC) in OBS whenever I'm streaming or recording (since I'm usually too lazy to go back to edit). I find that it's not overly distracting, and most viewers likely won't think too much of it, however, it can certainly be optimized to be less intrusive/distracting, for example, like you said, via a webcam feed instead.

The most important part on the streaming side of things is to be mindful of additional things that you may do on instinct, like open up the console. It's good practice to have a delay on stream anyhow (to prevent streamsniping/ghosting), so you'll have the opportunity to catch stuff like that, but still something to keep in mind.

The only way with full coverage is to remove your admin permissions which we don’t want to do.
You know, with that pesky CounterStrikeSharp permissions system that necessitates the /verify on occasion, there might just be a period of time where you get this effect unintentionally lol.
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Ah yes we’ve had this suggestion before!

Unfortunately this is really hard to do universally as many plugins implement their own logic for showing chat messages :( The only way with full coverage is to remove your admin permissions which we don’t want to do.

Admin chat and any plugins directly under EdgeGamers development are potentially feasible though!
Thanks for the feedback! What do you think about the feasibility of the Jailbreak server specifically? I don't play many other game modes enough to log a lot of clips, but the idea I have for my videos is to create a series of a sort specifically for CSJB.
That is certainly true, although it's a decent option that can be done purely on the admin/content creator's side without needing any server work done. I do something like this (ignore the slight screen flicker, that's just VLC) in OBS whenever I'm streaming or recording (since I'm usually too lazy to go back to edit). I find that it's not overly distracting, and most viewers likely won't think too much of it, however, it can certainly be optimized to be less intrusive/distracting, for example, like you said, via a webcam feed instead.

The most important part on the streaming side of things is to be mindful of additional things that you may do on instinct, like open up the console. It's good practice to have a delay on stream anyhow (to prevent streamsniping/ghosting), so you'll have the opportunity to catch stuff like that, but still something to keep in mind.

You know, with that pesky CounterStrikeSharp permissions system that necessitates the /verify on occasion, there might just be a period of time where you get this effect unintentionally lol.
You bring up very useful points to consider for all of this, I appreciate it and will keep everything you've said in mind as I advance towards my goals while putting these things into forward motion, Thanks for all of the inputs!! I'll contact you at some point probably in DM to ask about the hows of things I can potentially do from my angle once I am ready to start recording and editing.
Hello EGO CS Leadership Team!!

First and foremost, it has been WAY too long since I've posted on the forums (life has been crazy). I've just been taking the steps to pursue my goals, just like I do for rebooblers in Jailbreak (while trying to manage myself in the chaos that life has a habit of surrounding us all with). I still have a lot of school work to do, but once I complete it, or get to a good position with my progress, I plan on becoming active on the servers again, which is part of why I'm suggesting what I mentioned in the title of this post (including a hide admin chat option for admins), so long as it's within the scope of manageable feasibility to do so.

My reasoning is fairly simple, as I plan on starting a Twitch channel for streaming, as well as a YouTube channel dedicated to activities that take place on EGO CS2 servers, and maybe some other CS gameplay once I get closer to completing school.

The upside to this idea is that it has the potential to get the community more well-known to any potential future players out there. The down-side to this idea is that I don't want to use an alternate account to make my videos on while playing on the EGO servers, but I am also aware that admin chat is sensitive information within the community, and we don't want the malicious players to be able to see how we coordinate our efforts to keep the game fair and fun for everyone who is participating. I have had to skip several great clips I've captured in the past for previous videos I made playing on EGO servers because of this.

Having the option to hide sensitive information on an admin account will allow not just myself, but any other admin to have the option to record their gameplay for entertainment purposes on their main accounts, while still preserving the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive community information. I have also heard (no proof of this, but I think it's still worth mentioning due to reasonable plausibility), that people have gotten in trouble for leaking (& for neglecting the sensitive nature of the information within) admin chat on the servers (not sure if it was ever the result of content creation, though).

If this suggestion were to be implemented and included in the admin training, I feel like it would be a win-win situation for all parties involved (the community would have more security and potentially more recognition, which could lead to more players, and content creators with admin privileges wouldn't have to manage multiple accounts to create content within the community servers, which potentially creates more security risks for the player).

Hopefully, I've gotten my points across clearly and concisely, and that there are others out there who agree with this idea. As always, I am open to any questions, comments, and concerns regarding this idea.

That's it for now, so Thank You! For those who took the time to read and consider this suggestion, and have a great rest of your day!!

Best Regards, -darkfry
TLDR, Let everyone see admin chat???

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