Making the CS2 Jailbreak plugin

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For those of you who don't know every jailbreak server including eGO uses shanpu's jailbreak plugin. While the original creator doesn't have time anymore I am working with one of the few people who still contributed to the original plugin hopes to port it to CS2.

The reason I'm mentioning this is because I despise groups like this that use the code from this plugin and don't make it open source for other servers to use. It's dumb to keep these plugins behind close walls and edge gamers continued to do that in CSGO and drove the jailbreak player base to the ground.

I hope that when this is done it promotes making all contributions and revisions of original plugins open source.

(Btw this is mostly motivated by the guy who recreated the surf timer)
It's dumb to keep these plugins behind close walls and edge gamers continued to do that in CSGO and drove the jailbreak player base to the ground.
Pretty sure eGO not open sourcing their plugins and mods has nothing to do with player population. Strange blame option.
Pretty sure eGO not open sourcing their plugins and mods has nothing to do with player population. Strange blame option.
I'd argue that eGO made improvements to the original plugin and then kept it behind closed doors as a way to become the only updated JB server. I'd argue was against shanpu's goal of his original project.

Wont matter anyways because the new version of the plugin will be under the AGPL v3 license which means any modifications will have to be legally available to the public.

Only reason I posted this here was because I remember the struggle of using outdate plugin code and honestly is annoying that server like eGO don't make their plugin code open source because the majority of it isn't even their original plugin.
I'd argue that eGO made improvements to the original plugin and then kept it behind closed doors as a way to become the only updated JB server.
What exactly prevented other people from updating their own JB server on their own? Why would eGO be compelled to release shit they made to competition?

Your argument makes no sense. Hosting servers is a competitive environment. You are fighting for people's connection. Sharing your work doesn't help that.
Wont matter anyways because the new version of the plugin will be under the AGPL v3 license which means any modifications will have to be legally available to the public.
Who's to say this is the plugin we will be using? Things are probably already in the works on our tech teams side.
Who's to say this is the plugin we will be using? Things are probably already in the works on our tech teams side.
Even if you were to. One of the main contributors to the plugin is still in contact with shanpu and he could easily change it to have the same requirements like we'll do with ours. And because eGO's plugins are based of shanpu's original work it would be forced to go open source. Why you guys are so upset at making your plugins open source is on your own end though.

You already dominated the CSGO jb playerspace and drove it to the ground (my opinion). With the start of CS2 we should start making plugins opensource while everyone adjusts
This is only to revive jailbreak and start to have a bunch of servers when the gamemode was in it's prime. The goal is promote the gamemode so more players start recognizing JB as an actual gamemode.

The more servers with the gamemode with quality up to date plugins the more players for everyone overall. The surf community has already adjusted to this change an bigger organizations like GFL and sneaks have accepted this. JB servers should learn to do this as well.
I'm not against things being open source, I just don't think we have any obligation to make other communities servers good. It's a competitive field and why would we dish out stuff to others and lose players?

Pretty sure eGO is not solely responsible for driving JB to the ground. Your logic is strange. Anyways, best of luck with it all, I still won't be playing CS lol.
I'm not against things being open source, I just don't think we have any obligation to make other communities servers good. It's a competitive field and why would we dish out stuff to others and lose players?

Pretty sure eGO is not solely responsible for driving JB to the ground. Your logic is strange. Anyways, best of luck with it all, I still won't be playing CS lol.
it's not about an obligation to make other community servers good. It's more of a respect to the original plugin author and his intentions with the plugin. He opened up his original github so people could make changes to improve the plugin while he could no longer work on CS. Not for people to gatekeep improvements and changes while metamod updates.

and I didn't say they were solely responsible but they played a big part. and gl man
What contributions have you made Contivalious Contivalious ?
To the original CSGO plugin not much right now just working with some other guys to bring it over to CS2. Debating whether or not it's better to rewrite it in something like CSSharp which would take forever or just wait for S2M
Bro is upset because we wouldn't give him our modified jail plugins 💀
Nah I'm not upset my point was that even in CSGO if you wanted to make a JB server you would had to figure out how to configure an outdated plugin because everyone who made contributions to it made it private to their own server. I'm just saying going into CS2 these things should be made available to the public. the guys over at the surftimer understood this with is why anyone who uses or modifies their surf timer is required to make it available to the public. I just believe the same thing should be with JB because unfortunately the original JB plugin maker doesn't have time for it.

To be honest it really doesn't matter because at the end of the day it's up to Shanpu but CS2 just launched and my point was that we should make these things open source to the community rather than how it was in CSGO.
I greatly appreciate open-sourced software and the hard work and effort that countless of people put in to further our gaming across all source games. EdgeGamers' Leadership Team (specifically much of the former Counter-Strike Leadership Team and our current Tech Team) has cumulatively put in thousands of hours to progress our own server and serve a quality gaming experience.

While I understand the sentiment of keeping open source software open, we live in a world where code will be copied, ideas stolen, and rules broken. We all stand on the shoulders of giants (Linus, AlliedModders, shanapu, and thousands of other people) to be where we are today, and we are very grateful for their hard work and dedication.

This being said, we have followed the GitHub's license properly (GNU GPL 3). We are under no obligation (nor incentive) to publicly release our internal code or modifications. It is very silly to use the guise of "we should make things open source to the community" when in reality Contivalious Contivalious you haven't contributed to any of AlliedModders or SourceMod's development. The Jailbreak GitHub is still open- you could've contributed to it.

Please do not expect us to openly assist you in creating a competing server. We can all agree that competitveness is a good thing, but that implies that there are multiple servers with competent, willing, and dedicated members and developers. If you can't figure out how to configure the base plugin

if you wanted to make a JB server you would had to figure out how to configure an outdated plugin because everyone who made contributions to it made it private to their own server

and you whine due to not having the know how of updating/configuring a plugin, perhaps you shouldn't be hosting your own private server? Are you really a competitor if you require assistance from your... competitor?

Logically, it makes sense to keep your own private contributions restricted to your own private server. Our plugins have become relatively coupled and dependent with each other. Non-edgegamers specific plugins I agree would be nice to open source.

This isn't to say that we don't open source any of our contributions. We do have a public GitHub where (when appropriate and feasible) we publish our public projects. We will take your sentiment into consideration and look forward to your open-sourced published adventures.

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As an addendum, moving forward for Counter-Strike 2 we have (for the time being) kept the development of our Jailbreak plugin open source.

Contivalious Contivalious you are welcome to Pull Request any developments you or your team has developed, I welcome the open collaboration and am glad we both strive for a better Jailbreak.
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