Buy time on de_dust2?

Do you think there should be a buy time?

  • Yes, make it 60 secs

    Points: 3 15.0%
  • Yes, make it 30 secs

    Points: 8 40.0%
  • Yes, make it xx secs

    Points: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Points: 9 45.0%

  • Total voters


I'm loving the new improvements on the eGO dust2 server like no block and the team balance.

The server is almost perfect/balanced but I think we need a buy time for players who love to rush/sit in spawn. I'm not saying that a lot of players who are on eGO server likes to camp, but I do know if there is a buy time maybe players will rush more (not as scared to get bombarded by nades @ catwalk) and players won't be able to nade spam or buy extra armor/ammo/new guns in the middle of the round.

I almost get this feeling that CTs run through spawn and buy stuff since they are allowed to camp their spawn while Ts must leave by 1:30.

I don't care how long the buy time is, just have one whether it's 1 min or 30 seconds. It would make it more fair....who's with me? :D
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I agree. I think adding a buy time would reduce if not stop some nade spammers. I think it would be another great addition to the server and it would help reduce spawn camping.
Ya also I don't think the CT's should be able to spawn camp if the T's cant spawn camp. Oh and on camping in general the cts use site B catwal to camp excesivly alot and i dont think u should stay in that sopt at all times even if ur scouting.
Ya also I don't think the CT's should be able to spawn camp if the T's cant spawn camp.

CTs are allowed to camp spawn due to Ts needing to plant the bomb.
CTs can camp UNLESS the bomb is planted. Then they MUST attempt to defuse.

Vice Versa for Office, CTs MUST attempt to rescue hostages, but Ts can DEFEND the hostages by camping, UNLESS the hostages are being rescued.

If it were up to me, (and thank goodness it isn't) a lot of people would be slain.
LOL making the buytime a minute?? imagine EVERY round sitting there for a minute buying..

now would u rly want that?
In my opinion, 10 seconds should be the limit to buy. It is more than enough time to buy all of your stuff (even if you go through and push each button and dont use premade buys). Also, this way if CTs or Ts are rushing, they cant be nade spammed. If anyone joins late, then hopefully they are good with the USP/Glock and can wait a round. If they get mad, then we can simply remind them that it is a game ( i know... its secretly my life too) and that next round they will have the same opportunities to buy as each other player. Also, i think there should be some sort of requirement to read the rules before they play, but thats off-topic and doesnt need to be discussed in this thread.
i think there should be a time limit.
we need to get rid of the nade spammers on both teams counter terrorists and terrorists.
I agree with the buy time on D2, but 10 seconds is terrible. I played on a server recently that had a 10 second buy time, and I had trouble getting my set together (I don't use presets, and sometimes I click to buy). Also, I sometimes have trouble deciding on what to buy.. I know I'm indecisive, but 10 seconds is too much.
30 seconds would reduce nade spam but give people enough time to buy/think.

However, Office should stay the same.

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