still alive


Forum Fiend
and the cake is not a lie. but i digress. just letting my EGo peeps know that meatwad is not dead by a evil milkshake. I've just hit hard times fincially so I can't even get a cheap hard drive on newegg like i was planning but i should be up an running by end of this month if i eat 88 cent spaghetti and 60 cent 2 liters that i get from wal-mart seriously i'll do it so i can play CS:S haha I think thats a warning sign that I need to go to CS:S Addicts Anonymus
:eek: Meatwad The Evil Milksahke Tried To Take You Too Omg!!! Oh Noes The Milkshakes Are Gonna Take Over The World Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!
yeah i get paid on 13th of november then i'll place my order to newegg for the new hard drive and hopefully 3-5 days after that someone is gonna get shot up with my p90 hehehe

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