Whats going on in CS:S.

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EGO Addict
Currently, we're working to put the new admin school and other requirements ready for any new promotions. That is why there weren't many promotions within this month. Within a couple of days or a week. We'll have a list of eGs and eGOs to promote. They will be the first to attend admin school and that is lead by Dr.Death; if you have any questions you can PM him. Basic training is also beginning and Oldie has started it and the lower portion will explain most of the information about BT.

We will be losing Jail 1 and 2 soon because of the performance these boxes lack. These old boxes cannot meet the standards to host the server and its just inefficient to pay for or support. So, within the couple weeks we'll find 1 server for jail and CS:S will be back to 3 servers. Dust2, Office, and Jail.

Basic Training

BT is active as of this week, if you wish to learn the ropes of CS:S, maybe pick up a trick or two from players who have been around, please report to : Oldie or -V-

If you would like help, contact one of us through a PM or sign up on the sticky in Division Discussion section, and we will set up a time to help you out in a controlled environment, with a few others.There will be also events hosted with maps featuring a focus on a certain weapon (ak/colt maps, deagle maps, etc) to help members learn the more important guns in CS:S.

The main focus on this group will be to help players enjoy the game more by developing some of the basic skills that are often overlooked, and are simple to pick up.
First tip, 50% of a kill is your position.

PS. If you are an eGO, and feel like you may have something to contribute to this, I will gladly discuss it with you, so send a PM.
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BOMB i am really excited. I have to admit i am sad to see jail go, but having more events is going to rock! I hope i am able to get a jump on admin school aswell, we will see. THANKS CRIMSON!
Thanks Crimson for the heads up
ill will surley go to basic training due to my skillz
but The jail server info is shocking but we will have to live with one jail server
i thoguht PWNY was doing basic training. So much for that huh?

BTW i think Every admin eGO or eG needs to go to admin school all over again. Every single time im in the Dust2 or Office server i so so many rule breaking situtations occur and countless admins do nothing about it. I can name quite afew right now but im not like that. Every admin needs to go to admin school period. Just because you are eGO does not give you the right to think that your admin is set in stone. If you DO NOT do your job then your admin will be removed and thats the end of it.
can e's attend all of the above you listed? also if we can what is bt all about just the basics of the game?

We will be losing Jail 1 and 2 soon because of the performance these boxes lack. These old boxes cannot meet the standards to host the server and its just inefficient to pay for or support. So, within the couple weeks we'll find 1 server for jail and CS:S will be back to 3 servers. Dust2, Office, and Jail.

I only see 2 servers are we not having even one jail now?
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