Random Money Losses


I made one post
Hi, I'm a pub, and i play in your server upon occasion. However i can never play there very long because your money system frustrates me (although besides that i like the players and the community!).

I mean i suppose its known that your bank continually sets peoples balances to zero, and i imagine your working on that, but what really irks me is that about once a round i lose like 2000 bucks for no good reason. Sometimes it seems to happen a few seconds after i kill someone (and collect a measly 300) sometimes for no good reason at all. Since i usually cannot amass much money (each round only being given about 2000 to start, and then losing it again each round) i am almost constantly without money, and since i enjoy playing with more guns then just the deagle this is frustrating. I mean really the only way to can get money is by being given a gun and surviving for more than 5 rounds, which on a server of 20+ people is difficult for a pub like me! It would be my suggestion that giving people more money when they join (or go spec and back) as is done in several other servers, would attract and improve gameplay for more players.

I would really like to play here more often, and have thought about perhaps joining your community for real, but this little feature would have to be fixed for me to have any real fun. Also if this isnt the place or people to ask about this problem than if you could at least redirect me towards them...

Many thanks

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