how about a 24/7 assult


I made one post
i dont know if there is one but if theres not someone sould open a 24/7 ego assult server ive been talking with other members they said theyd play it. so i hope its a good idea thanks.
personally i think that assault wouldnt attract enough players to keep the population up.

i think if anything as a next server maybe a rotation...dust2, italy, office, aztec and maybe assault
this has been talked about many times it is a fairly small map and is not very popular you only see a few servers that are full and the rest are nothing. Also being as it seems Edge Gamers like to have their servers have up to 40+ people there are not enough spawn points in the map for that many players

and repoman you cant be serious...cs_assault is a hostage rescue map that puts the terrorists in a warehouse with the hostages located in a room on the second level of that building as the cts only have 3 ways in to the building either the vents the back door or the front garage door all of which are huge choke points for the cts to even attempt rescuing hostages is ridiculous it turns it into more of a Team Deathmatch type of map but you can get the hostages out if you are lucky.
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i would love to see a rotation server. i love playin office and d2 but after a while its the same thing over and over again...We need like d2, italy, office, aztec, assault
i would love to see a rotation server. i love playin office and d2 but after a while its the same thing over and over again...We need like d2, italy, office, aztec, assault

Someone said that people leave servers before a map change, because they dont know what map is next, or if they do know what map is next and dont like the map, well...they leave. If people go to a server knowing its 24/7 a map they like then they're obviously going to stay, unless they're too laggy or ragequit.


Plus assault is a terribly stacked map.
Play it with bots on hard and see how well you do.

Or just search for servers and show off your eGO pride.
I like assault as well, but it doesn't seem popular/big enough for an ego server :(

The rotation thing has been discussed a ton, but the people leaving because of a map change seems to be a prohibitive factor against it.
I think we should have a 24/7 server where everyone just sits there and looks at my awesome spray. All the time. Now that would be popular.
this has been talked about many times it is a fairly small map and is not very popular you only see a few servers that are full and the rest are nothing. Also being as it seems Edge Gamers like to have their servers have up to 40+ people there are not enough spawn points in the map for that many players

and repoman you cant be serious...cs_assault is a hostage rescue map that puts the terrorists in a warehouse with the hostages located in a room on the second level of that building as the cts only have 3 ways in to the building either the vents the back door or the front garage door all of which are huge choke points for the cts to even attempt rescuing hostages is ridiculous it turns it into more of a Team Deathmatch type of map but you can get the hostages out if you are lucky.


The servers that are currently up will stay. There will not be any new servers coming up atm. So, either way if you suggest a new map, mod, w/e its not going to happen unless its that big a drastic change. Like a Dust2 sorta change where it HAS to be implemented and kept. So, Dust2, Office, and Jail will stay here indefinitely. For those who keep crying about the jail server. Quit it. You don't like it? Don't play it or suck it up and play with what little admin you can do. Don't complain if you fail to get a admin to help you out.
The original assault in the original CS (1.6 and before) was a great map to play.

I am not a fan of the new assault map.
Assault is awful in terms of balance (much like Aztec and de_dust).

A rotation server is such a better idea than a 24/7 Assault, but I don't see one happening around here.

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