Demo's and you


Forum Fiend
If you feel as though some1 on the server is hacking follow these steps:

1.never accuse som1 of hacking on the servers because it just sturs up trouble and causes them to leave and come back when no admins are on

2.When you see som1 who you think is hacking just open console with is the (~) button right below your (Esc) button on your keyboard

3.Type in console "record playername" You must be in spec to make a demo otherwise you will get yourself playing and Advisors/DL's wont tell who's who
3.When done with demo (you have enough proof) go back to console and then type "stop"

4.To find your demo that you have just recorded go to Local disk c/programfiles/steam/steamapps/accname/counterstrikesource/cstrike
they should be there under the name of what u put it as send this in upload it to and if it is a non eGO member post a request ban with the link of the demo and if it is a eGO member pm it to a Advisor/DL because again it could stur up trouble

6.Wait for the Advisor/DL to respond for you may have been wrong and they might not have even been hacking if they are they will be banned

Sorry if this has been posted before i didnt see it

- Skillbox
I don't recall ever reading about this thread anywhere else, although it may have been stickied before. I think this should be moved to eG private and put as stickie because i don't know if e's need to know how to demo.
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ya if i remember deathscythe or GGVW made that but it was for clan wide...but still good post!
mm read the FAQ.. it covers most of these questions. Its set as an announcement for this section of the forums.. >.>

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