
king killer

EGO Is My Life!
hey i lllloVEEE!!!!! Scouts and knifes and i lovvveee playing it so can we maybe try it out its always so fun to play and i really got back into it after we played it on wacky wendsday so is there a possiblity we can make the jail #2 server scouts and knifes?
i know i posted this in other eG fourm but i want everyones opionon
Jail 2 server is going to be ZH or ZM I believe.
But I agree with you.
Scoutzknivez would be a fun server to have.
A scoutzknifez server just wouldn't be popular...It may be fun, but honestly if surf and dm didn't fill the server, the only thing that would would be another dust2 server or another jail (which it is now) but i agree a ZH would be fun :D but it probably won't be fulled either
You guys are all wrong, Xax will pwn all u Uba Nubbbz at teh Scoutzttz an teh Nivs bcuzz Xax pwnzz all nuubzz at CS an Xax issss bery guud att teh spelzors!
well guys it did the same ting with surf everybody wanted surf but when we got it first day had like 20 people but the next days it was just not working...
i think j2 should be a zm or a scoutz+knivez
when ewe played it on late night fight, it was awesome, quick (no waiting to respawn cuz rounds are short), its skillful, and just a great cwss experience. Definitely go for it guys

if anyone needs opinions on the zombie server, i play some zombie so let me know
Since you guys seem to like scoutz&knifez so much im sure that oldie and i will be holding more events there in the near future ^.^

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