Admins who don't seem to be doing their job..

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I made one post
Two Admins, in the CS:S Ego division of "Jailbreak" (



As much as I hate to say this because I love Ego admins and I never want to insult them, they seem to be very ignorant in my opinion. I was playing with them and numerous other people on the server from about 8:00PM - 9:00PM October 8, 2008, them both the only admins on.

In the middle of the game, I spray a spray containing a picture of Johnny Depp in "Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory." Inside of the spray it contained text saying "You hate me, because I can look gay here, yet chicks still dig me"... Is it a humorous spray I thought :].

But dang I thought wrong while playing with these admins! 10 seconds later after spraying that spray, I get kicked. Now I can understand this because the word "Gay" was in the spray, so I decided not to use the spray anymore. However, 5 minutes later a CT freekilled Terrorists DOZENS of times! And you know what the admins did? Nothing. The CT also played Simon Says (Which is banned on the server) and he shot people randomly.

Now this isn't conduct I appreciate on Ego's servers, who deserve much more than this. But these admins are very defective and don't seem to know the rules. Is there anyway to open their eyes and show them the rules of some form?
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