Jail freekilling

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I don't want to sound like a nag or anything, but i play jailbreak every day and recently free killing and cursing and general rule breaking has been a problem, and admins are not dealing with these players. I counted, and one match i stayed in Jailbreak for 1 hour and i was free killed 23 times with 6 of them being questionable. This is more of a statement to admins, but please do what admins are suppose to do and deal with free killers and general @$$es. Thanks guys!

=(e)=? Wiggy
Ive stressed this a lot. Admins do what they can on jail servers... we really try. Its not enough most of the time. We aren't going to catch each and every person.
Yes I know but when there is 7 out of 10 Cts just running around killing EVERY T is complaining and the admin is just sitting there not doing ANYTHING thats kinda irresponsible. However I do understand it is a stressed job and respect our admins, it's just i would like to see a little more effort from a few particular admins who are ignoring the situations. Thanks for reply.
And its not so much the rule breaking, but the free killing that bothers me. I can understand admins aren't going to catch cursers and all the other rules that are being broken, but when they are getting free killed and so are fell =(e)='s and he/she ignores it, then that can create anger between players and just makes the game no longer fun.
Please, it's starting to get annoying.
If you really have a problem press "u" for team chat and type @ "message" to speak to the admins.
Guys i have a right to post what I like and when admins are not doing there job, and pressing "u" and talking to no one pretty much doesn't help. You replying to this to say that people need to stop posting this stuff just proves my point that a lot of gamers are experiencing the same thing I am....
Listen, freekills not on our priority list, people who swear, spam and sprays that are unacceptable, etc are on the top of our priority list.

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