e's win the e vs eGO scrim!


EGO Addict
It was a hard long fought battle by the eGOs against the e's. eGOs were overwhelmed with the masses of e's that showed up! Next time eGOs COME!!! It was a nice fight by you e's. It was fun. Score is.

20 e's and 15 eGOs

Overall, thank you e's and eGOs for showing up to the event. Hope to see you guys at the next one.
crimson wat about the wonderfull eG who pwnt for the eGO's ^^ *cough* SKILLBOX *cough*
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Lets not forget my score of 33 - 8. It was really fun you guys, I had a great team (All the e's.) And I was actually really surprised at the turnout. I thought for sure with them having Dr, and Oldie, and all the CAL guys that we were going to get boom head shotted from around corners and stuff, but it actually turned out the glorious opposite. (Still waiting for that ban for killing Dr. and Arn0t both in the same round. :) )
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Ya, we did great e's, mostly cause we used teamwork, and sacrifical lambs such as dragon, to gain the upper hand. I thought i did pretty well, aside from the beginning of a round, spawn to spawn, scout headshot that Crimsion pulled off on my face.

Zoomer said:
I wish I was there.. then you would all face the rath of my FAMAS!!!
Because ive felt that wrath, i am so glad you werent lol.
We won because of port, we had no clue what to do, so we just rushed one point. In Italy, we knew what we had to do, but we couldn't do it...so we failed there. It was just about 50/50 match. Great game eGOs!

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