free-killer solution

Hcore Ninja11

I made one post
i dont know if anyone has thought of this just gonna put it out there.

Since you can only free kill on ct why isnt there an admin function to perminently switch someone to the terrorist side so they will not be able to free kill?

leave feedback... and dont be too harsh if this idea is impossible or impractical

well ya you cant rly do that but thats kinda harsh for a freekill? i consider jail just for fun nothing to get mad about or take to seriously
Well, not to put your idea down or anything, but I think this is impossible. NO Admin. is allowed to move a certain player from one team to another for any reason (unless it's a player that's afk that's being moved to spec.). I think this idea is great but I just don't think it's possible. I kinda think that they should have something for eG admin's where you can kick someone for a certain amount of time (aka temp. banning).

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