
king killer

EGO Is My Life!
hey evryone i need help i had a skin for my m4 and now i took it off for all and blamo i have a checkerd gun can somone pl plz help idk whatt to dooO!!!
Gotta make sure you get rid of all the files. Sometimes they're in multiple folders, which is why you should search all of them until you find it.
Delete all files associated with the skin

I dont get you king, your so calm and collected on your mic.
But when ever you type i always image you just did a line of coke.

Kinda like that scene from scar face, you know the one, where his face is down in a literal MOUNTAIN of cocaine and he looks up and is covered in it. That scene. has great tutorials for this..i only use a hand skin but they tell u how to fix everything! good luck

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