Follow Up to Rule post

Should Their Be A Rule saying you have to Have sound to be on T in the Jail Server.

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EGO Addict
The Jail Server Requires Ts to listen to cts. The Cts ushally give the commnds over the mic. This is a poll to see if the community agrees with me, please don't delete this, it is diffrent from the first post this one has a rule.
I say, you should put something like (NO SOUND) next to your name if you're playing on T. You don't HAVE to have sound to play jail. I think it's absolutely unfair. Guards can give orders on the mic, but if one of the CT's see that someone has the (No Sound) next to their name, 85% of CT's will tell them in text or someone in the T side will.
But, it makes the Job harder for the cts, they have to type everything and when their typing stuff they get killed. I mean its not that hard to get sound, all computers come with speakers, and headphones cost a dollar. If your listening to music just lower it so you can hear.
the rules Clearly say. Orders will be given over the mic by CTs and answered in text by Ts. if you dont have sound you cant play. its that simple.
i disagree some people like to play with music? its kinda obvious wat to do or wat not to do and i think you should put (no sound) next to ur name
But, then the cts have to type everything and, they die while doing that. YOu can listen to music and play css at the same time. I do, i listen to itunes while playing and i just put the music lower than the game sounds.
i disagree some people like to play with music? its kinda obvious wat to do or wat not to do and i think you should put (no sound) next to ur name

This is fine for regular gameplay. Jail is a Role playing game/server. you have to be able to comunicate and hear in order to do so. So, no you cant do that. The rules are in place for this reason. If you dont have sound, then you cant play. Period.
If you want to play music listen with one year for your iPod and the other ear for the game

If they dont have sound how would they know whats going on I mean they cant hear the mics and CTs cant type, so playing with no sound is like ... well pointless, headphones cost like $10 for a cheap set now a days...
ok maybe you missed the point skillbox....

role-play (rlpl)
v. role-played, role-play?ing, role-plays
To assume or represent in a drama; act out: "Participants are encouraged to pass on leads about jobs ... and to role-play interview situations with each other" Hatfield MA Valley Advocate.
To assume or act out a particular role: "When I hire people I role-play with them ... to see how they take pressure" Peter Schrag.

The American Heritage? Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ?2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2003. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

This is the definition of Role-playing. no is getting owned, no one is fighting, you are ACTING. The object of the game is to "Act" as prisoners and guards. The prisoners want to escape and bomb the jail. Guards want to keep them in. This is by no means a regular game. Sound is required. The rules already state this clearly.
lol i vote yes...along with harmless it says cts give commands over mic...if you cant hear it then u need to be ct or play somwhere else....that simple
This is fine for regular gameplay. Jail is a Role playing game/server. you have to be able to comunicate and hear in order to do so. So, no you cant do that. The rules are in place for this reason. If you dont have sound, then you cant play. Period.

QFT like i said in other thread its o easy for a T that says i have no sound to knife the ct while hes typing...
ok maybe you missed the point skillbox....

This is the definition of Role-playing. no is getting owned, no one is fighting, you are ACTING. The object of the game is to "Act" as prisoners and guards. The prisoners want to escape and bomb the jail. Guards want to keep them in. This is by no means a regular game. Sound is required. The rules already state this clearly.

oooo ok i see now sty more misconvience ^^:eek:
the rules Clearly say. Orders will be given over the mic by CTs and answered in text by Ts. if you dont have sound you cant play. its that simple.

I totally agree with you. If you're playing a game that requires listening to commands, shouldn't you have sound? Yes, you should.

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