

I made one post
Hi guys ty for accepting me in clan/organization and ill be off for a while coz im on vacation and im on my cousin's steam account and ill be on the jail server sumtimes and my cousins steam nickname in css is Dark Seeker and just wanna say hi to all and ty and bye:)
For some reason i imagine you saying this all with one breathe. lol.
Welcome to eGO and the CSS division.
lawl meatwad=p haha what if im a hobo? xD jk and btw i can still send sumthin at forums but i cant like use my steam acct=p srry
Welcome to the clan :D
I see you joined in CS:S, make sure you check out the other divisions too! *cough* TF2 *cough*
I second that notion of shenanigans.

On topic
I think I saw jph in the jail sever today, right?
He seemed to be fitting in well enough.
Welcome to the CS:S division :)
I'll be looking forward to seeing you in the JAIL server since I always play/admin. in that server :D
oh yeh my signature sux=[ i dont know how to make signatures yet though and Illlegend dont worry ima join all the divisions=p i got all the games u got lol idk if i still have to join the other division to get the tag or thing do i? :D answer it pls lol and yes ive been playing on the jail server yet i cant be CT coz im on my cousins house and he doesnt have mic and im on vacation
oh yeh my signature sux=[ i dont know how to make signatures yet though and Illlegend dont worry ima join all the divisions=p i got all the games u got lol idk if i still have to join the other division to get the tag or thing do i? :D answer it pls lol and yes ive been playing on the jail server yet i cant be CT coz im on my cousins house and he doesnt have mic and im on vacation

Since your mainly on the CS:S Division, if you play TF2 or DoD:S, your tag would be =(e)= jph701 [CS:S]. If you wish to make some other division your main, which I highly encourage you don't because the CS:S division ROCKS, your tag would be =(e)= jph701 [TF2] or =(e)= jph701 [DoD:S] or =(e)= jph701 [CoD4]. However, you don't have to put the CS:S/TF2/DoD:S/CoD4 tag at the end of your name if you're on the main division's game. So, you would only have to put your main game tag if you're playing on a different game. For ex. if your main is CS:S, then your tag would be =(e)= jph701 but it would be =(e)= jph701 if you play TF2/DoD:S/CoD4. And no, you don't need to join the other divisions to have your tag on. But be sure to put the end tag, CS:S/TF2/DoD:S/CoD4 at the end of your name if you're not from that division.
jph i can make you a sig just tell me/link me any pictures or text you want on it or i can make you something on Gmod
ok thnx killme i thought i have to join other division and skillbox i think u can help me:D rofl coz i dont know how to make any sig or avatars
PM me with wat u want or maybe a picture u want to use? and tell me what text u would like

(just a general outline of what you want)
hey skillbox, what program do you use to make sig or anything like that? coz im trying to make my own :D and btw how to pm and whats with the "!DOWN chase" thing and everyones saying it rofl
i use Photobucket/Photoshop for sigs and to PM you would click on my name then click send a personal message to Skillbox VIA fourms and !down chase is because hes a noob :p

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