Fridays event


EGO Zealot
Well, orginally it was ment to be a Friendly fire friday deal, but upon realization that FF cause a loss of like 50 hlx points, everyone QQd and we switched about until we came upon aztec. And much fun was had.

Knife rounds, scout rounds, nade only rounds, glocks, YOU NAME it we had it.
But byfar the best of all, had to be the defusal round.

Basically the idea was, the terrorists plant the bomb, and the CTs have to wait till the last second to decide which wire is to be cut. Tension was high.



Planting of the bomb

Crunch time

(fuse was selected as the defuser since SOMEBODY thought they were clever and attempted to make a relation to fuse's and wires...)

There was much yelling about which wire was to be cut from both sides. The "pit" tryed hard to keep straight heads and decide upon a wire. When it finally came time to cut that wire, a...speedbump i should say, was hit. Fuse yelled out "I cant cut the wire!"

Turns out.... Wire mod wasnt installed on the server.
Much lulz were had milliseconds before the detonation annilated everyone.

ALL in all it was a incredibly fun event aside from a few people who just did what they wanted. It didnt turn out as proposed but it went well in my book.
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It was funny when we tried to wier defuse it but the scrip wasn turned on xD

PS As soon as I upload any vids I'll give the link (gimme 24 hours, if they aren't here by the time just PM me.)

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