ZM vs ZH?

Which mod should we use if any.

  • ZH

    Points: 29 54.7%
  • ZM

    Points: 12 22.6%
  • Zombie mod is a waste of time, i would never play it

    Points: 12 22.6%

  • Total voters

Mostly Harmless

Internet Traffic Regulator
I have been thinking about bringing back a zombie mod server. A question has been brought up on what "Type" of mod will it be?

There is a one-of-a-kind mod out there called L4D mod but it is not released to the public. So, unfortunately its not an option.

Now, i was thinking about a zombie horde server only because if 1-2 people join they wont have to wait for more people to join for them to have fun.

All the configs in that mod are the same as reg. ZM except the zombies are bots, not real players.

different types of maps are used and some of them (i think) can be used as escape maps.

Ill make a poll at the top:

ZH= Zombie Horde

ZM= Zombie Mod
ZH....I voted for the wrong thing :( GRR

Lol but ZH is better because of the power ups and the way that you can just have a few people in the servers. Also I see more ZM servers that ZH, and this would be a change for most of the public.
hmmmm tough decision..... Can we add another choice? if so it could be soccer too :p but from these options id have to say ZM
Am i right in saying that this will take over for the DM sever? since NOBODY plays it...ever.
Also, ZH cause imo its much funner. Like L4D.
ZM is fun with respawn and a full server, however ZH is fun with just a few people and may be good to get it started.

I will NOT play on a ZE map. Ever. Its totally against the point of the zombie mod in my opinion
Despite the fact that I like Zombie mod better, zombie horde is more like l4d so go with that. And please use the 2nd version.... all the rest suck. zm_lilapanic ftw!!!

!down Mostly Harmless for even putting "Zombie mod is a waste of time, i would never play it" as an option
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22 people so far voted yes to some type of zombie mod. that would mean the server would have people in it all the time right?

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