jailbrake map idea


I made one post
all the jail brake maps the t's are in a jail but what if the ct's where in a iraq camp made to get info out of the ct so all the ct's would spawn in 1 room
and it would be build into part of a cave(i kinda thinking like a map thats "like" iron man)
well im not the best mapper but i can still make jail maps :D but i just dont get it this time its T's to be guards cuz thats more like hosties that ting. Ct's are hostages not prisoner
yea there hostages but not like kill when you want thing just make it seem what that flip side of jail brake would be like

we could have like parts in the cave where the ct's are kept like a part where their is a pool of water and things like that just make it
sounds like a good map idea when are you gonna start making it? or is there gonna be beta testers?:D
This is a very nice idea, although it might be hard to map the idea out and have it tested by real people. But, GOOD LUCK! CUZ I WANNA PLAY ON THIS :D

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