Grounded ):

Kill Me

EGO Zealot
Ok, so incase you guys haven't found out yet, I have been grounded for the whole month of September. That means, no games for thw whole month ):
So..have fun without me guys :) I'll be back and playing on our servers at the end of this month :D
man i hate getting grounded i get nothing to do and basically sleep all day then im tired at school and fall asleep in class
have fun with the CS:S withdraw symptoms. I used to scream BOOM HEADSHOT in the middle of the night when I slept.
Thats too bad, at least u have your first admining to look forward to when you become un-grounded :p
hehe :p

i believe u send it to crimson, no?

well, in the eG promotion essay thread thing, it says mostly harmelss, crimson, someone else..forgot who. so, i sent it to mostly harmless. im gonna forward it to crimson though.

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