CS:S Division Members


I came across an interesting question today:

"How many members does eGO? have in the CS:S division?"

"Ummm...well I don't know the exact number, but I see new faces everyday :)"

Well, I know our Members link on the left shows the count approaching 9000 members for the website. However, I would like to know how many members we have in the CS:S Division of eGO. This way, when someone asks me about our division, I can answer them confidently.

Thanks guys :).
Hint* look at the recruiting office threads*

Some members may overlay, but that is a good estimate of the total amount of people ever to have been in it.

Back when we had hlstatsx, we could just do a look for active players with the tags on
How many? Around 600something (if the recruiting office is to be believed)
How many active? I'd say 200 or so.
No...I was just looking for people who have the most hours spent playing CS:S. They can still play other games, but mainly CS:S.
No...I was just looking for people who have the most hours spent playing CS:S. They can still play other games, but mainly CS:S.

that would help because I bet there'd be sooo much more people if we counted everyone who barely plays CS:S, but plays all the other games.
yeah, I'm gonna agree with the 60-80 active players. This is just me guessing from playing on dust2, I haven't played on the other servers so I'm not quite sure.
I just joined about a week ago, if that, and i have noticed about 40 eGO members, and 10-15 who are the more active of those...

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