Custom Map Server?

Stem Van De Daken

Active Member
I was just wondering if anybody would think it would be a good idea to have a custom map vote server instead of having it on high school for 24 hours. There are a lot of great custom maps out there like de_spirits.
one problem with a custom vote map server, people have to dl the maps, and the fact that maybe 5 people like one map, 12 like another and only 3 like a different map. so pretty much itd be hard to keep people in the server.
how about a limited amount of maps. We add the most popular custom maps to the server. Like 20... or 50 max. maybe.
I like the idea of a limited amount of maps. It doesnt have to be all custom it could be standard maps. I just like playing different maps. that is why I brought up the idea of a vote server, or one that could be a rotation of 3 or 4 maps. Just a few ideas for people to think about and discuss.
We get a lot of request for rotating map servers in forum. I thought I'd take a moment to preemptively answer the question.

eGO is very interested in providing fun for our members and public players alike. What's our best method of determining how much fun you're having? It's how full our servers stay. If the servers are full, it's a good bet people are having a good time. If they're empty or low, especially during peak gaming times, there's a problem.

People leave during map changes, and tend to come to a server where they know what they're getting whenever they want to come and play. In short, we're creatures of habit, and we rely on habit when we have a few minutes to play.

Where will you see map changes? Come to our eGO scrims and events, and you'll see plenty of different maps.

As for normal day to day operation, if statistics were to change drastically and show that rotating map servers were consistently full, we'd switch to that format. With several servers, even in a 24/7 map format, we offer more variety than many clans can manage, and we'll continue to try new maps from time to time and see how they do.

taken from DD's post in Tf2 discussion, modified for css
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even so i agree with stem on this. i understand the thought process but i think you need to investigate how well highschool is doing as a 24/7 server. its a really fun map but most players in css havent played it and dont join. every time ive seen the info for that server or played on it, its never even close to being full (hardly half full). so i think there needs to be a change if what you said above is how you manage the servers.

im in favor of a swaping map server. ive been a moderator on a couple different servers like that (hellskitchen was one) at least in cz and in cz's prime and even early years, it was always full. i know from dod, i would look for servers with any one of the GOOD standard maps and i think we should draw up a list for css. personally i enjoy playing on the dust2 server but even that server isnt as full as it used to be. id love to have some variety myself but still get to play with the ego guys (and not have to switch to another server) when i want to play other maps
even so i agree with stem on this. i understand the thought process but i think you need to investigate how well highschool is doing as a 24/7 server. its a really fun map but most players in css havent played it and dont join. every time ive seen the info for that server or played on it, its never even close to being full (hardly half full). so i think there needs to be a change if what you said above is how you manage the servers.

see this is how everyone reacting, new map and maybe a week later people think that it needs to change, you guys need to give it like a month or two, after that if it doesnt improve switch it to another and repeat.

and i realize no one knows it cause its brand new and only people in eGO were the first ones to try it out, so give it time, if stats dont improve in a month or two we can talk about it then
ok cool, i think thats exactly what most ppl want to know and its exactly what you all are doing. its good that you guys are giving ppl a heads up. high school's only been up for a couple of weeks now and its probably better that we keep it for now. just offering up some opinions for the future
I get logic behind the 24/7 server set up, but I think there is also value in servers with map rotations. For one, the CoD4 server has a rotation going and from what I can see it's relatively well populated. And the issue of map downloads I think is often exaggerated. Many successful servers have custom map downloads. As long as a clan provides something the gamers want, a 5 minute download is not going to turn them away. I think eGO is a great clan and I don't think any of our regulars would shy away from a custom map server because they have to download for 5 minutes or less. And even if it were an issue, there are plenty of decent stock maps that nobody will have to download.

Clearly the 24/7 servers are working wonders for eGO but can you imagine if they released CoD5 with one MP map? I think the reason eGO stays so successful is that we have multiple 24/7 servers and so in a way there sort of is a map rotation, it's just that you have to join a different server rather than wait for 20 or 30 minutes to go by.
HAHAHAHAHAHh thats limited?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

I wasn't aware that it would be considered a lot. It's because when I used to play on a 1.6 server, it was a custom map server and they had 1000 custom maps. That's why 50 maps sounded limited to me...

Anyway, I agree with what Rogue Sniper said.

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