What's the deal with some of the new labels on names?


EGO Zealot
Hi guys. I was just wondering (this has been something I've been meaning to ask about) about the {DBD} and #ccL. I haven't seen those in a while, even on the people that had previously had them. Instead, I have seen things like "iX" and "iL". What's up with that?

[Edit] I didn't mean to make the forum picture a thumbs down. I meant to choose the paper thing. >_>
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The tag for the Alpha CAL team has gone from {DBD} to |.iL| to |xK|. The tag for the Bravo CAL team has been #ccL and hasn't changed as far as I know.
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I see |iL| sometimes, but I've never seen |ix| :(....hmmm

There's never been an |ix| tag, it's |XL|. It was kinda confusing before when you see some people with |.iL| and others with |xK|, sometimes in the same server but it seems that the transition has been made.
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ok ok ill clear this up it started as DBD for the alpha tag that meant death before dishonor then when we did a overhaul of the team it went to .iL witch meant imain legerity (still have no clue what that meant) then cuz none knew what that meant we changed it to Xk witch means Xiled kings ccL is bravos tag witch means couldnt care less basically those to tag mean they are on the cal team and are the best eGO has to offer.
lol thx chief for clearing this all up to ppl.

yeah and personally i liked the |.iL| tag BECAUSE no one knew what it stood for.....lol. VERY MYSTERIOUS ;)

so yes like they said there are two cal teams. the first is #ccL and the second is now |XK|. the frist has been the same for a while (as previously said) and the second has been changed several times, hence the confusion I'm sure. I think that everyone in the second team has made the switch though, which helps to clear up some questions as far as consistency

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