NNooo...must not...

Indryd Cauld

Active Member
Hey everyone. I'm from over TF2 side.

About 2 years ago I literally went on drugs to break my addiction to Counter-Strike.

No joke. I failed out of college playing CS:S 40-50 hours a week. Had to go back a fifth year after I quit CS and finish things up.

I'm thinking it might be time for a little relapse.

Hopefully things haven't changed too much.

If you see me: restrain me, give me milk and epinephrine, and call my sponsor.


If CS:S has seriously messed up part of your life like that, I'd watch out in case it happens again.

When you play, set up a little timer for like 30 minutes, and when it goes off, get off CS:S immediatly!
Thats kinda what happened to me so I kinda quit video games for like a couple months and now im ok. I wasn't (and still not) very good but I just couldn't stop playing....

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