Idea For a CSS server?

Mystery Penguin

Poster Extraordinaire
I know I do not donate or anything, but I've got an idea for the highschool server that is (in my eyes) better, the map's name is cs_apartment (MAP NOT BY ME VIDEO IS!)

This map takes place in a few apartment complexes in which you can go inside and enjoy the nice scenery of a person and his great map-making skills. there are a few open spaces in this map for plain all-out warfare and many enclosed spaces for sneaking up on somebody and blowing his face off with an M4. In any other way it is a highly detailed map, with quite a few features. Thanks for acknowledging my post. :D EDIT: I have found no glitches within this map, and it is the final version.
I know the problem with this is that we might not be able to do this, but I just want this to be acknowledged.
The creators comments

Author's Readme/Notes

Background :

Four highly valued weapon scientists have been threatened to be taken by a terrorist network. The scientists have been put into a "safe house", some apartments in the city, where they can hide until the threat is dispersed. Unfortunately, the terrorists found their hideout. In the attempt to capture the scientists, their getaway became compromised by counter-terrorists. Now, they have to take the scientists as hostages. The terrorists started to build barricades, but they weren't fast enough...
yeah thats a great looking map, very high quality. this reminds me of an old map in 1.6 and cz and a tiny bit like havana at times. it may be a better map for more ppl, seems fairly large
we should get a crackhouse map more highschool fun maps other then the dust2 cuz i got some friend that cant run dust2 cuz pc is no good they can run little maps we should get me little maps but fun plz look at this you never know it might help our clan get poped up

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