swear words not being allowed...


custom title
...yet nearly a quarter of the old jailbreak maps:

i don't mind the rule's existence, its whatever, its just messed up how some jailbreak maps are an exception if the server is trying to be 13+, not even lewd sprays are allowed on the css dust2 server, so why are the rooms (don't even get me started on the sus images in dojo) allowed

i don't mind the rule's existence, its whatever, its just messed up how some jailbreak maps are an exception if the server is trying to be 13+, not even lewd sprays are allowed on the css dust2 server, so why are the rooms (don't even get me started on the sus images in dojo) allowed
Suggestive sprays and map decals are generally okay. If you could see it at a beach or your local Walmart, it's not a big deal. The rule has also been no pornography nor nudity.

Captain Nighthawk's maps always had his credits decal as a scantily clad anime girl. You can think it's cringe, you don't have to like it, but it's not against the rules.

AFAIK non of the "hentai" rooms show actual nudity.
Suggestive sprays and map decals are generally okay. If you could see it at a beach or your local Walmart, it's not a big deal. The rule has also been no pornography nor nudity.

Captain Nighthawk's maps always had his credits decal as a scantily clad anime girl. You can think it's cringe, you don't have to like it, but it's not against the rules.

AFAIK non of the "hentai" rooms show actual nudity.
tbf you can see a lot of crazy stuff at your local Walmart:ROFLMAO:
Suggestive sprays and map decals are generally okay. If you could see it at a beach or your local Walmart, it's not a big deal. The rule has also been no pornography nor nudity.

Captain Nighthawk's maps always had his credits decal as a scantily clad anime girl. You can think it's cringe, you don't have to like it, but it's not against the rules.

AFAIK non of the "hentai" rooms show actual nudity.
i dont think your average timmy is gonna see high res cough cats at the local beach or walmart
should mention, if its allowed on the jailbreak server, is it allowed to be posted on the forums

open cs2. download dojo, enter "anime room", go down the stairs, go left, look at the top middle picture, tell me that wouldnt get me banned for posting it on the forums, that's just straight up nudity
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As Luna said I don’t think we can really draw the line of “lewd” anywhere before “what you’ll see at a beach” without sacrificing consistency. We already have a hard enough time with consistency elsewhere in our enforcement to be honest.

We expect our players to follow our code of conduct and behave responsibly in the presence of beach attire on our servers. Yes, I dislike the sexualization, but quite frankly that’s just the outside world for ya :/

if its allowed on the jailbreak server, is it allowed to be posted on the forums
We have always held our forums to a significantly higher standard than our servers.
We are probably fine with people posting themselves in swimwear and having fun in our general channels, but we do not want to foster a weird environment where people just post pictures of anime girls. We aren't an imageboard lol

You can however post screencaps or videos of that room on our forums. Its on-topic :]

Somewhere out there is a video of muphin getting a girlfriend in that room. I’ll have to dig that one up lol