Team Fortress 2 Presents: The Royal Rumble!


Team Fortress 2 Presents: The Royal Rumble!

Let's get ready to rrruuummmbbbllleee!!! Edgegamers Organization turns 18 this year, and what better way to celebrate than with the return of a community favorite: The Royal Rumble! This event consists of Leadership members battling it out against members for the ultimate bragging rights. Last time the Members won, so it’s time for the Leadership to step up and take back the prize. Join us on July 1st for an extremely fun event and a chance to win some great prizes!

Only 2 Engineers Per Team (NO EXCEPTIONS)
Only 2 Medics Per Team (NO EXCEPTIONS)

You MUST Be In Discord.
The server for the event will have a password, and you will not be given the password unless you are in the Discord. A Royal Rumble also relies a lot on teamwork, so losing because you have no communication with your team (due to you not being in the Discord) is not fun for anyone. Leadership will be in one channel, and non-leadership will be in another channel. A few minutes before the event starts, a member of LE will join the non-leadership channel and give you the password. The event will start promptly at the starting time so be there a bit early.

This event is one of our most popular, and many people from our different games come to participate. If you get dominated while the member side is full and people are waiting, you must leave the server, so it gives another person a chance to participate in the Royal Rumble. You ARE allowed to rejoin after being dominated, but if you do not leave you will be kicked from the server. But if the members’ side is not full, you will not have to leave if dominated.

This time we also use a similar requirement for the leadership. If a member of leadership is dominated, they must not play for 30 seconds. Fair is fair.

Winning conditions:
The winner is the team with the most wins at an hour after the start.

-The side that wins gets to pick the next map.
-There will be prizes for all who post screenshots of their dominations, so get ready to punch F5 or F12 or whatever key you have screen shots set as. There will be a post in the TF2 forum that will have the title: July Royal Rumble - Post Dominations Here. Everyone who posts will get a prize that will be selected randomly from the prize pool...

Event Time & Location
Event Date
: Monday, July 1st!
Event Time (ET): 9:00 PM
Event Server IP:

Additional Instructions:
Please join us in our event voice channel at (preferably before event time), we'd love to have you there!

Event Host:
Team Fortress 2 Leadership!

Artist: @Ultralight | Writer: TF2 Leadership

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