Hello World


I made one post
Hi everyone!

I'm Cam, a web dev/entrepreneur/IT guy and long time FPS gamer. I've been around eGO for quite some time mostly with the CS:S server. I do enjoy TF2 so I may join up over there sometime. I recognize a few names here from the old NG CS:S community. My name was DUALiTY back then (2009-2014). If you played Unreal Tournament, you might have known me from the zero-ping instagib community as XanJunior (2000-2007).

Nice to meet you all. Let's play some CS:S or perhaps some Apex Legends?

UT99 is an amazing game! It’s hard to believe there are still servers and a decent player base on that game.. considering it’s 25 years old. I visit it from time to time and every time I question why I don’t play it more.

My video game “career” started with UT99. I started playing it whenever I was 4 years old under my dads account and then eventually made by own account at 8 years old. Mainly played on FEAR, SoP, and KWS.

Nice to meet you!
Hola camthegeek camthegeek

Willkommen !!!

If you're ANAL Retentive (and some ppl are) help us count to a million!!

BUTT if you like anime then go here!

If we're going, we're going. Let's Goo!

WTF happened to formatting? Is it just me?
Idk who you think you are thug, don't think I'm intertwined in all of your hoodlum activities. Grow up.

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