Counter-Strike JAILBREAK CT Priority Resets for Repeat Offenders

mouse pouch

I had a small discussion recently with a few other people and asked the question
"For repeat offenders (Bad CTs), Would you rather ban someone for 3 days or reset their CT priority?"
We agreed that a priority reset for CT queue may be a better punishment for players!
Currently repeat offenders are usually server banned for a couple days which does remove the player from the server, but usually these players just get more angry at admins and it causes a big ruckus.

A priority reset causes the player to actually work towards "earning" that CT prio queue back because they need to gain alive time on the server and this means that players would spend time actually playing and enjoying jailbreak instead of being frustrated.

Currently I don't have a concrete system worked out on how priority resets would work maybe that would up to more ATs
An example
Max PRIO = 480
3 Ct Bans in X hours = Priority set to 240 (half)
5 CT bans in X hours = Priority set to 0

also I intend on these being manual and maybe by only advisors+
an automatic system may cause issues

example #2
Max PRIO = 480
15m CT ban = -30 Priority

(these times and values are just for example ^^^)
(these times and values are just for example ^^^)

LMK What you think, I understand this post is a lil controversial!
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yeah i do think that example #1 would be better, because sometimes swaps can be false, so if u had 3 verified swaps in an hour than they would lose it would be good!

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