de_highschool, sided?

Rogue Sniper

EGO Is My Life!
Okay as most of you know I ported de_highschool to Source, as is from CSCZ.

and I am getting sick of hearing people complain either A) its Counter-terrorist sided or B) Terrorist side. Its neither, one day I played it was CTs favor, the next it was Ts so before you complain its sided, check who's playing because if there's 3 or 4 CAL players on CTs and pubs on Ts, Im going to guess that the CTs will be winning and don't just play the map once and never again because you're sad that the team you are on is losing and etc.

Also I've been hearing people complain that they dont like the map, thats fine there's de_dust2, but yet these people keep coming back and playing while complaining. So make up your minds and there's always dust2 to play on if you don't like highschool.

Lastly, the button is really there for like once in a blue moon things. So those who do know where it is, don't spam it because maybe not everyone in the server likes the song (or it gets annoying after 20 times) and it occasionally lags the server and DONT ask me where it is.

Finally, that is as stated the final version of the map.

Thank you for reading this. Thank you to the players that play my map and thank you to eGO for hosting it. Thanks for the compliments :D

( btw, I dont like writing posts like this, I dont like sounding like Im whining, complaining, or w/e you think if I am, just tired of others whining, complaining, etc)
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its not FPS friendly, but he does have a point about his point about HS. he made it even for both sides, and the only reason why one side dominates the other is by who's playing.. Of course the team with better players are going to be winning..

the ONLY problem I have with the map is, I can never find a good spot to just sit and protect a bombsite. Since I can get hit from all directions (front and back)
I kinda agree, although thats how the original map was made. It would be cool if there was more cover
Highschool is my new all time favorite css map. I swear i will be more pissed if this goes then i was when zombie mod went. All those babies that cry that its sided are wrong. It is the players.... me and Dr. Death won almost every round on T one day, and then the next day me Thatguy, Michaelscott, and DUDE did the same thing on CT. It is fine and the best....
Yeah i agree, it goes neither way, ive been on both sides and won before.... its a great map and thanks for making this awesome addition to our servers, HighSchool is by far one of the funnest maps ive played in a long time.

Happy fragging everybody! :D
I've got to say highschool is one of my favorite CS:S maps and I don't think it's sided at all.
about the cover issue, i think thats what makes it a good map. there is no cover, so you have to keep watching your back, aka your never safe.
Theres no cover in a real highschool. O_O

ANYONE who has issues from this point on about the map can bring them to me. there is no need to endlessly whine in the server. THE MAP IS STAYING! until i see fit (if ever) This was and still is my favorite CS map EVER. i asked Rouge to do this for me and he made this more epic then i possibly imagined. ITS IDENTICAL (besides the bushes which were LAME blocks that looked like bushes) to the original. The gameplay CAN seem sided. but T's come on guys. stop running down that stair well right out of spawn and then bunching up trying to kill the sniper in the window. KEEP GOING! THEY CANT KILL ALL OF YOU! thats when i see issues. try different lines there are 3 or more ways to get to each site. its EASY if you work together. And Cts RUSH!!!! catch them at the door way of long hall and they are done. they have only 3 options at that point. Figure them out O_O.

i played this map for A LONG time so i know how it works. Im glad so many people like it.

Rouge, i just wanted to say once again THANK YOU! This map is outstanding and im real glad to have someone with your talents in our Organization. :D
yw mostly.
side note : about the lockers they are smaller than the original so less cover. just rush thats this map, its not a camping map, if it were i would have put camp fires and tents around the map :p
The way i see it all DE maps are sided to CTs and CS maps are sided to Ts

the degree of which is just based on the map. Personally i find High School very even In comparison to other DE maps i have played.
I think I appreciate dust more because I know it in and out, I think I just need time and it will grow on me. I think I just get mad because a lot of you know it so much better than I do.

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