an Idea for jailbreak. "LAST REQUEST"


I made one post
basically, make the person who gets LR choose the next days special day. (needs plugins/coding to make special days work)
give the LR person a list of special days, and give him an ak after choosing the special day to try to kill the cts, maybe give the person an st if he kills all the cts but thats off topic.
ideas for special days.
night crawler: ts have a black screen with a green laser infront of them and if it turns red it means ct in sight, cts have to kill the ts normally. ( ts cant camp one ways)
shark: cts get no clip and ts get awps and cts have to kill all the ts.
one shot: everyone gets one bullet and everyone is 1 hp . if u miss u have to knife if u hit ur shot u get one more bullet. ( if you knife someone u get a bullet)
headshot only: using deagles
hunger games: everyone spawns randomly and there are crates on the ground with guns .
scoutz knives
hide and seek
kill confirmed: just like the call of duty kill confirmed if u take his tag he is dead forever if you dont take the tag within 20 seconds he respawns.
no scope: awp with no scope.
bhop: everyone has auto bhop and a knife.

there are more ideas for special days but this is what i have for now.
i think this would create a dynamic that would make jailbreak more entertaining and competitive
consider the idea and thank you.
i don't know if this needs to be moved to another forum. if it needs to move it.
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and its better than a warden doing stupid stuff
reward people who get to lr its not that easy with 40 people in the server
I agree proff that having an option for players to choose special days for next round is a good idea. However I think it should be at the discretion of the warden to accept or deny their request!

And responding to what nonya said, I just simply disagree and think that LR should have an impact on future rounds haha.

I agree that LR is definitely a reward for the 2 players who receive it, and I think there can be some very creative LR's if you let the Terrorists request things for next round, such as freedays, special days or even custom days such as "CT's have to unwarden after giving a command".

All in all I think having special days next round as an option for LR is a positive idea and will be a good first step toward the direction of letting the T's have an impact in future rounds when they receive LR!
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I agree proff that having an option for players to choose special days for next round is a good idea. However I think it should be at the discretion of the warden to accept or deny their request!

And responding to what nonya said, I just simply disagree and think that LR should have an impact on future rounds haha.

I agree that LR is definitely a reward for the 2 players who receive it, and I think there can be some very creative LR's if you let the Terrorists request things for next round, such as freedays, special days or even custom days such as "CT's have to unwarden after giving a command".

All in all I think having special days next round as an option for LR is a positive idea and will be a good first step toward the direction of letting the T's have an impact in future rounds when they receive LR!
yes thank you ! ! ! i disagree that warden has to do with it though just make it every 3 rounds as an option for example
-1 previous round should have no impact on future rounds
how about we add the plugins we don’t have from csgo instead of changing core gameplay mechanics
how about we add the plugins we don’t have from csgo instead of changing core gameplay mechanics
I disagree, this is an opportunity to change how core gameplay mechanics work and I am all for it.

Plus, nobody is copying the old code when they are porting the plugins to cs2, there is an element of creative freedom and improvements/changes that can be made, and this is a good thing in my opinion.

EDIT: Special days are a part of core gameplay mechanics anyway... Having more of a variety would be awesome and I am down for this, if it is balanced and fun enough.
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A prisoner's LR should only effect themselves and the guards, not other prisoners.

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