Medium Counter-Strike Remove knifing sounds?


I made one post
I understand that this request might seem excessive, but could we please consider removing the "T knifing" sound? When players are stacked, it becomes extremely challenging to hear the warden's instructions, which is quite annoying. On top of that, without a CS2 setting to adjust the sounds, the problem is worsened. Could we possibly implement a feature similar to CSGO, where you can't knife T's due to them being invisible to the hitbox or something similar? Alternatively, could we introduce a command to remove the sound, as I've noticed some other jailbreak servers have this option (Turkish JB)?
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CS LE and tech are aware of this issue but have yet to find a reliable solution. If you have any super slick solution, we would happily explore it.
CS LE and tech are aware of this issue but have yet to find a reliable solution. If you have any super slick solution, we would happily explore it.
You guys could do an option to mute everything for no reason :)
Or have Jii break the game sounds again it did work for the knives

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