Jb T special roles


I made one post
Giving Ts special roles would be a really interesting way to spice up playing T. Giving Ts roles like a tank role to give them slightly more hp but move slightly slower would be a cool additions. Or a bounty hunter role for a ct were if someone is rebelling you do slightly more dog to them

This is just a suggestion and i would love to see it in game
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nothing that impacts movement in any way - unless you can opt out of it.
otherwise could be interesting to look into
I would love this fr sounds like fun sounds like a dice type of thing but yes ts and cts would be fun like once every 3 - 5 days we give a 15 % chance for a perk and have a little fun day
As a special day type of thing this could work. On a server I used to play they had something called a "zombie freeday" that applied at the start of the round to certain players (usually it was an LR request last round), you move a lot slower but are able to knife CT's as a freeday (until it's revoked).

I like this idea but obviously think it should only apply for special days/LR's that carry over to the next round, if that is ever going to be a thing...

EDIT: I just remembered they had tank freedays too, which worked the same as what you said! Honestly I think this is a great idea but would need some work to figure out how it can fit in with the dynamic of the server :)
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Instead of giving them speed nerfs we could do other nerfs like its impossible to backstab with a certain perk that increase sneak or buffing knifing with a ability that makes you a louder walker kinda like a brute

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