CS2 Jailbreak Updates: April 2024


CS2 Jailbreak Updates: April 2024

Jailbreak has continued to POP OFF since the last update post we brought you. As you will see, there have been an insane amount of changes and updates made recently. While we could write a paragraph for each group who helped get us to where we are, we would like to give a huge shoutout to our tech team, map porters, bug reporters, and players keeping the servers populated.

Below are the updates and bug fixes made since the last Jailbreak Updates post. Please note that the mentioned updates and bug fixes are items that are observable by the player. There will be several unlisted changes that have been made to the backend. If you want a full, unedited list of the updates, please click HERE.

Updates and Added Features:

Player names are now based on their team.
Added DS Perks (!ds, !namecolor, !chatcolor, !tag, !tagcolor, DS tags)
Added [WARDEN] Prefix to the current warden
!st (special treatment)
Added !lr (last request) (CT's will also be teleported to T's when they start an LR)
Added race !lr
Round timer when last request beings is 1:30 and will increase after each successful last request
Added CT / guard priority system. For additional information on how this system works, please go to the post HERE.
Added warden sounds
Reduced rebel time from 120 seconds to 30 seconds
Added Advertisements
Added DS join messages
Increased map time to 30 minutes
Added mute feature. CT's and T's are muted at round start and when a warden is selected.
Added !peace command for warden to temporarily mute CT's and T's.
Dead players are muted and stay muted now
Non-rebelling/ST prisoners will now turn blue when the warden dies. Once a new warden is assigned, prisoners will be turned back to normal color after 3 seconds

Maps Added:


Bug fixes:

Fixed various exploits allowing players to spam chat or use arbitrary chat colors
Players now spawn with a knife more consistently
Fixed rebellers not turning red
Fixed markers not working as intended
Fixed prisoners not returning to their original color after turning blue. Also fixed an issue causing some prisoners not turning blue
Made !st color more apparent
!lr messages will now show to all players
Fixed quake showing as peanut
Fixed various !lr exploits
Fixed an issue allowing people to bypass the queue system
Fixed an issue during high player population, causing the T team to be full

Below are high priority plug-ins and features being worked on by tech (Please note that these features may be released in no particular order due to multiple factors involved):
-Last Guard

If you have suggestions or ideas you think would benefit the Jailbreak server, You are encouraged to submit them

If you encounter bugs or other issues, please report them

CS2 TTT Updates

With the stabilization of the Jailbreak server, I am happy to announce that our TTT Server is in the works. And while there's still a decent chunk that needs to be worked on, we have made very good progress over the past few weeks on a working TTT Plugin. There has also been good progress porting over maps. There is also the addition of Night Versions of a few of the maps.

While there is no official server yet, there is a TTT Dev Server where we will be hosting testing on when players are needed, so keep on eye out on Discord for a @CS-Testers ping.

Below is any information of what's currently done and what's being worked on.
Please note this might not include EVERYTHING being worked on

Maps Currently Ported

Currently Done
Role Assignment
Round System
No Scoreboard (Kills + Deaths)
No Kill-feed

Needs Testing
DNA Scanner
Role Distinguishing (Traitors seeing other Traitors)

Artist & Writer: Immaculate Immaculate

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Tech team absolutely buzzing, can't wait to see what they keep cooking

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