CS Jailbreak Regarding the 3 second reaction rule on JB



There is one issue that comes to mind regarding the "3 second rule", where Prisoner's have 3 seconds to follow the given command. This is bad in my opinion and I will give one example illustrating the problem. When a new Guard claims warden and says "freeze", the Prisoners justify walking an extra 5 steps before freezing "because we have 3 seconds to react", and these extra 5 steps usually cause chaos such as: picking up a gun, knifing a Guard, or simply running away. You could argue that the Guards should be more spaced out (which is not always possible on small maps like jb_quake/jb_spy main cell), or should be smarter by covering exits. But you should recognise that Prisoner's are actively using this loophole in the rules.

I have a simple proposal to fix this rule, that still gives Prisoner's 3 seconds to react, but stops things like this.

The fix: Keep this rule
  • (you are rebelling if) you do not follow orders given by the warden and guards within 3 seconds
And add this one too
  • Warden's orders take immediate effect from where a Prisoner stands.

I think this is how the rules are intended to be, as you want the Prisoner's to have 3 seconds to react, but you don't want them running for the first 2.9 seconds and then freezing at the final millisecond...

Notice how adding this rule will not change the gameplay negatively. For example "freeze in my marker, go to the start of climb, come to the marker for ST" all are functionally the same.

I can see just one issue with this, which is again describing the scenario I said above: the warden says freeze, and Prisoner's walk one step before freezing. In my eyes that is okay and should be allowed, as they still need SOME time to react!

If you have read the whole post, then I thank you, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts :)

-johnny boy
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Chaos is expected and rebelling is encouraged. When a warden dies, it's supposed to be chaotic.

If you want successful CT rounds: 1). Keep your warden alive 2). As a warden, give safe commands that will protect CTs from getting knifed/dropping their gun in a bad spot 3). Don't bait the Ts and stand farther away.

You create more CT wins by being a better warden/CT... not by amending the rules to allow CTs to be more toxic.
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Reaction time is everything in Jailbreak. Now I will say this rule already as it is written gives a lot of leeway to the CT's, because it gives 3 seconds to pursue the next command. That means if the previous command was freeze, and the next was follow my line, you can't do whatever you want for 3 seconds. You must either do nothing for 2.5 seconds or pursue the new command. If you do something else that is rebelling immediately.

The warden dies situation where they can do whatever for 3 seconds is intentional as a reward to the T's for killing the warden. The rule won't be changed as that is intended :)
Thanks for the suggestion tho.
Reaction time is everything in Jailbreak. Now I will say this rule already as it is written gives a lot of leeway to the CT's, because it gives 3 seconds to pursue the next command. That means if the previous command was freeze, and the next was follow my line, you can't do whatever you want for 3 seconds. You must either do nothing for 2.5 seconds or pursue the new command. If you do something else that is rebelling immediately.

The warden dies situation where they can do whatever for 3 seconds is intentional as a reward to the T's for killing the warden. The rule won't be changed as that is intended :)
Thanks for the suggestion tho.
Thank you for clarifying about what you said in the first paragraph, that clears up some confusion for me. I can also see where you're coming from with the intentional reward.
The whole idea of this is as a guard you should not be in a position where given 3 seconds a prisoner can kill you.

Being a guard is hard; you need to be aware of the map, your spacing, where the warden is, where the prisoners are, where secrets are, etc. It's hard, but rewarding and possible.

Your scenario only applies when the warden dies. The answer to that is very simple: don't let the warden die.

Keep in mind that once prisoners are in a marker for example, if the warden said "follow my line", it's not like the prisoners have 3 seconds to run around not following the line. They have 3 seconds to start following the line. ( Crazy Apple Crazy Apple covers this similarly).

This new rule wouldn't really work either, as if a prisoner is charging at you, you still couldn't shoot them even if they aren't where they initially were when the command was issue (because it hasn't been 3 seconds). You would only be able to shoot them after 3 seconds due to them not being in the correct spot.

This would also be a pain to enforce both from a guard and admin perspective. "You weren't in that exact spot" as a guard, or having to remember where you were when a command was issued, or having to try and review a clip (or even a lack of one) and keeping track of who was where.
I know why you posted this because of your kwejsi incident, but these rules are here so that CTs are not just toxic and constantly killing Ts within giving a seconds notice.
I know why you posted this because of your kwejsi incident, but these rules are here so that CTs are not just toxic and constantly killing Ts within giving a seconds notice.
Oh no man I actually posted this way before then :) I can see why the rules are as they are, so in other words I retract my suggestion.

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